Women’s Retreat
I “M” a Child of God
Jan 15-17, 2016
God calls each of us by name, commissions us, equips us, and entrusts us to do God’s work in every place we find ourselves. Come discover what Mary, Martha, and Miriam can teach us about leadership, service and redeeming a broken world as beloved daughters of God. A multi-parish, multi-denominational, Bible-based, Spirit-filled weekend of reflection and refreshment, music and worship, food, fellowship, and fun — just for women!
· Single Room $229 per person
· Double Room $209 per person
Women’s Weekend
The Promise of Joy
Jan 22-24, 2016
We invite you to join us as we come together to worship and celebrate our faith in prayer, song and meditation; hear inspiring keynote speaker The Rev. Dina Van Klaveren, Rector, St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Glenwood, MD; be refreshed by workshops and activities; renew old friendships and make new friends.
· Inn Single – $229 per person
· Inn Double – $209 per person
· Cottage Lodging (double occupancy) – $199 per person
Men’s Retreat: Where is Your Front Line?
Feb 5-7, 2016
Calling all Christian Men!
Do you feel burdened? Under pressure? Tapped out? Does it seem like your life and your faith are in conflict? Do you sometimes feel as if you are a Christian in a hostile world? These are the types of questions the Venerable Carl Wright will address at our upcoming Men’s Retreat, February 5-7, 2016 at the Claggett Center
· Cost: $229.00
Registration information for any of the above is found here http://www.claggettcenter.org/programs.php