Sabbatical Newsletter, Issue 1, April 26, 2022
A Sabbatical Prayer
Guide us, Lord, as we all journey through the months ahead together. Help us to walk trustingly in faith with our parish family and to serve one another humbly. May we always be aware of your presence and direction in all we do. Amen.
Welcome to our first Sabbatical Newsletter, a new communication devoted to sharing news and information about our upcoming time of sabbatical and renewal. We will be sending these out regularly in the lead up to, and throughout, Kristin’s+ time away.
The above prayer was selected by the Sabbatical Team to ground us as a community. Thank you to member Joan Fader for composing it. Beginning this Sunday it will be included in our weekly worship, and we invite you to add it to your regular prayers as well.
Below is a brief FAQ about sabbaticals and what to expect when Kristin+ steps away from St. James’. More details will be shared in the coming weeks, but if you have an immediate questions please reach out to the Sabbatical Team.
In peace,
Dave Rak
Annie Horrigan
Joan Fader
Lynda Ellis
Lucy & Blix Winston
What is a sabbatical? The word sabbatical has its roots in the biblical concept of Sabbath (“to rest” or “to cease”). The Sabbath is sacred time, during which God’s people rest from labor — not only for the sake of rejuvenation, but for the sake of deepening our experience of God’s active presence in our lives. The Sabbath is meant to be time with God, and without distractions. Sabbatical, likewise, is a time for clergy to spend concentrating on some aspect of their ministry, prayer life, spiritual discipline, or study away from the responsibilities of parish life. Sabbatical is not vacation: it is a period of extended, focused, prayerful attention. Since ministry is shared within the congregation, the community also experiences a change of vocational focus while clergy are on sabbatical. As church members perform some of the duties usually held by clergy they gain a new insight into the workings of the congregation. In this way, the sabbatical can be a period of deepening spirituality for the whole congregation.
Do other clergy go on sabbatical? Yes, most clergy who have been serving the same congregation for at least 5 years take a sabbatical. Research shows that clergy and congregations are strengthened by clergy sabbaticals. Kristin’s+ Letter of Agreement allows her two weeks per year of service. On September 1, 2022, she will have been with us for 7 full years.
How long will Kristin+ be gone? Kristin+ will being taking a 14 week sabbatical lasting from July 1 through October 8. Her leave-taking Sunday will be June 26, and she will return Sunday, October 9.
What will Kristin+ be doing on sabbatical? Kristin’s+ time away will be centered on quality time visiting with family and friends, a pilgrimage to the Holy Land with Zachary and Jasper, and taking an extended retreat.
Who will cover Kristin’s+ responsibilities during this time? While Kristin+ is gone the vestry will assume leadership of the congregation. Senior Warden Dave Rak will be the point person. Ongoing ministry will be led by ministry chairs and the Thrift and Nursery Boards. The Sabbatical Team will cover pastoral care and congregational renewal events and activities. We are working on pulling together supply clergy to lead worship on Sundays. More details and information about who to contact for different reasons will be shared in June.
Who pays for the sabbatical? The sabbatical is considered part of our clergy’s employment, and their salary and benefits are accounted for in the parish budget. In addition, in 2020 we applied for a Clergy Renewal Grant from the Lilly Foundation and were one of 140 congregations nationally to be awarded a grant. The $32,000 we received will cover Kristin’s+ travel and activities, congregational events and resources, and pay for clergy coverage.
Can I still email, text, or call Kristin+ when she is on sabbatical? In order for Kristin+ to fully engage sabbatical, she cannot be in communication with members of St. James’ while she is gone. Emails and phone calls and meetings will have to wait. Pastoral concerns and funerals will be covered by a pastoral care team and on-call clergy. Programming for July, August, and September will be planned ahead of time. Kristin+ may send a note from sabbatical to the community if it seems to make sense, but otherwise, even if you see her out and about in town, please do not call on her to perform pastoral duties.
What if I have further questions about the sabbatical?
Please reach out to a member of the Sabbatical Team.