November 18, 2021
From the Rector
Always we begin again
We are a little over a week away from the first Sunday of Advent and the beginning of a new church year. I love that every year we begin again with a season of expectation and anticipation – both for the annual celebration of the birth of our savior Jesus Christ, but also for that time when God’s reign of justice, compassion, and love will be complete.
To guide us through this holy season we’ve pulled together resources for the whole family. Beginning on Sunday 11/28 the following will be available in the narthex:
- Advent wreath frames and candles
- A “Less is More” Christmas devotionals & posters
- liturgical calendars for the year ahead
- sticker-a-day kid’s Advent kits
- various daily reflections for Advent devotionals
My hope is that you will find something that will bring you joy and ground you in the weeks ahead.
Our Advent formation series will begin on Sunday 12/5 and run for the following two Sundays, meeting at 9:30 am. Called The Women Who Shaped the Story, we will explore how throughout the scripture God spoke, intervened, changed, illustrated, and proclaimed the story of redemption and love through women, including Elizabeth and Mary whose stories we hear in this season. I hope you will be able to join for one or all of our conversations.
Finally, beginning on the first Sunday on Advent 11/28, we will change to livestreaming the 10:30 am service on Facebook instead of the 8:30 am service. We made this decision based on feedback we’ve received and that the service has now moved back indoors (something we discovered was essential to reliably being able to stream).
If I don’t see you this Sunday I hope you have a very happy Thanksgiving!
Yours in God’s peace,
Nursery School
November has been a busy month at St. James’ Nursery School. We are wrapping up the Charleston Wrap fundraiser. Many thanks to everyone who supported us this year. We used the funds to pay for Soccer Shots this fall and an in-house field trip, Mary’s Petting Farm. We began our Cuddle Up reading incentive program this month. The children were given a reading calendar to record their nightly reading. The children will turn in their calendars for a book of their very own to take home!
The Nursery School “adopted” 4 families this month from the Mount Airy Net. We purchased turkeys and all the fixings using grant money we received from Walmart to help families during COVID. The children created table runners, placemats, napkin rings and cards for our adopted families.
Next month, tuition rates, as well as class offerings, will be announced. Registration for families of current students and their siblings will begin on January 19, 2022. We will begin registration for current church members and alumni families on January 24 and 25. If you have any questions about registering for next year, please do not hesitate to call us at 301-829-0014 or email us at
Nursery School
“A Scout is Thrifty….”
The Trail’s End Popcorn Sale is Troop 829’s main fundraiser for the year. It allows Scouts to raise money for Scouting by selling a nationally recognized product. Our goal for 2021 is for each Scout to sell $1000 in popcorn.
Scout Troop 829 seeks your support in their annual popcorn fundraiser. Scouts will have the following popcorn available for purchase outside of church this Sunday November 21st between 9:15 and 10:30; White Cheddar $20, Salted Caramel $25, Caramel $10 and Ultimate Butter Microwaveable $20.
Troop 829 shares a significant portion of the fundraising profits with our Scouts. Up to 70% of every dollar goes to Scouting. Money in the “Scout Accounts” may be used for things that benefit the Scout such as: annual dues, buying uniforms, paying for high adventure trips & summer camp and other items as approved by Troop Committee. The remaining goes to the Troop’s funds for camping equipment, camping/park fees, youth training programs, pioneering gear, and more.
Sunday Worship Information
Join us for worship on Sundays at 8:30 am and 10:30 am or watch on Facebook at 8:30 am.

Join us, Thursday, December 9, 2021, at 6:00 pm when Presiding Bishop and Primate Michael B. Curry discusses the year ahead for The Episcopal Church. Joining him in this conversation are his Canons:
- The Rev. Cn. C. K. Robertson, Ph.D., Canon for Ministry Beyond The Episcopal Church
- The Rev. Cn. Stephanie Spellers, Canon for Evangelism, Reconciliation and Creation Care
- The Rev. Cn. E. Mark Stevenson, Canon for Ministry Within The Episcopal Church
The conversation will be moderated by the Rev. Winnie Varghese, Rector of St. Luke’s Atlanta, Georgia.
The 60-minute event will include a moderated panel discussion, followed by a Q & A session.
Registration is free, but required. Please click below:
We had such a great time last year with our Drive-Thru Christmas Pageant we have decided to do it again!
The Pageant will be Sunday, December 19, 2021 from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm at the church entrance.
Everybody is welcome and encouraged to participate. No script or rehearsal, just choose a role by clicking on the link above. There are multiple openings for each role to provide breaks. The costumes will be out in the upstairs hallway beginning December 5, 2021. You may also choose your costume the day of the pageant.
Hot Chocolate and cookies will be provided.
Please contact Yvette Allen at 240-447-5028 or Joan Fader if you have any questions or are able to lend your time and talents.
St. James’ Sunday School Teachers
Lectionary Readings for this Sunday:
Next Week’s Commemorations:
Prayer Rotation
Please join the Daughters of the King in praying for each parishioner in rotation during 2021 by taking this notice home and by posting it where it will remind you pray to on a daily basis for the needs and blessings of:
Paul Danna and Mary Hutchins-Danna
John and Betsy Davis
Cory and Natalie DelRegno (Tyer, Kyle)
A member of the Daughters of the King will be contacting you this week for special prayer requests.