From the Rector
Take some time for gratitude!
It’s almost November and that means we get the opportunity to take an entire month to practice gratitude. Now of course we can do this year round, but I like that over the last several years it has become a thing to truly make November a month of giving thanks.
To support you in your gratefulness, you can pick up a November Gratitude Calendar at church beginning this Sunday. Every day has a simple prompt to invite you into thankfulness, and there are so many ways you can use them. There is space on the calendar itself if you want to write down your thoughts. If you keep a journal you could include reflections based on each prompt. It could be a part of your mealtime conversation as a family each day. A few years ago my kids and I hung it on the wall next to our kitchen table and each day we would read the prompt together and then write our answers on post it notes. We filled up almost the entire wall over the course of the month – and then left it up for a few months after that because it brought us joy. I’m sure there are lots of other ways to use it too, get creative! If you would like an electronic version of the calendar emailed to you please let me know.
We’ll also be offering the opportunity to give thanks at church every Sunday in November. Beginning November 7 check out the front table in the narthex which will have supplies for you to name what you’re thankful for to help us create a gratitude bulletin board.
In closing I offer this prayer from The Book of Common Prayer, may it ground your gratitude in the days ahead.
A General Thanksgiving
Accept, O Lord, our thanks and praise for all that you have done for us. We thank you for the splendor of the whole creation, for the beauty of this world, for the wonder of life, and for the mystery of love.
We thank you for the blessing of family and friends, and for the loving care which surrounds us on every side.
We thank you for setting us at tasks which demand our best efforts, and for leading us to accomplishments which satisfy and delight us.
We thank you also for those disappointments and failures that lead us to acknowledge our dependence on you alone.
Above all, we thank you for your Son Jesus Christ; for the truth of his Word and the example of his life; for his steadfast obedience, by which he overcame temptation; for his dying, through which he overcame death; and for his rising to life again, in which we are raised to the life of your kingdom.
Grant us the gift of your Spirit, that we may know him and make him known; and through him, at all times and in all places, may give thanks to you in all things. Amen.
Yours in God’s peace,

Wondering about Stewardship this year?
Here’s what you need to know:
- Stewardship materials and 3rd quarter giving statements were available for pick up on Sunday, October 17. If you didn’t get yours, no worries! Your packet has been mailed. Please spend some time reading the 2021 Stewardship Letter and looking over the financial recap from last year.
- Please reflect on the ways St. James’ brings hope for the future and pray about how you can contribute.
- To help you in your discernment we will have several reflections by parishioners during our October Stewardship Moments at the 8:30 am and 10:30 am worship services. You can also read Rev. Kristin’s October sermons to learn more about hope and the words of Jesus.
- How do we figure out what amount to give? Click here for a chart on how to give based on a percentage of your income. If you are in need of a pledge card it can be found here.
- This year’s Stewardship Committee members are Matt Kastel, Vic Pellicier, and Dave Rak supported by our Receiving Treasurer Aline Sautter and Assistant Receiving Treasurer Deb Schaeffer. Feel free to contact any of them, Kristin+, or Laura in the office, for assistance or to answer any questions you might have.

Nursery School
St. James Nursery School has had a great October so far, with many more adventures yet to come! The children have been having fun together learning their moves on the field from Soccer Shots, which will continue into November. They are also looking forward to receiving a visit from the Petting Farm this week. Both of these activities were made possible through the success of our fall fundraiser, Charleston Wrap. A big “Than You!” to all who showed their generous support through this sponsorship.

In the coming weeks our 3 and 4 year old classes will receive their vision screenings, made possible by the Lions Club. In addition to having Chapel Time with Rev. Kristin, the children are looking forward to their annual Halloween parade and festivities. Our costume parade will be held outside in the parking lot.
The interest in our school has been so strong, we are looking forward to opening a new Preschool 2’s classroom on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons beginning in November. The school’s enrollment is nearly at capacity, but with this additional class and a few openings in other classrooms, we are able to accept more children. If you know of anyone who may be interested, they can contact Michelle Rippeon at school@stjamesmtairy.org or (301) 829-0014.

Sunday Worship Information
Join us for worship on Sundays at 8:30 am and 10:30 am or watch on Facebook at 8:30 am. If you were in attendance at our 10:30 am service this past Sunday you witnessed the comedy of trying to worship in our aggressive fall winds. It was our plan to begin all indoor worship in a couple weeks; however, after our experience we have decided to move all services indoor starting THIS Sunday. Please join us in the sanctuary at 8:30 am or 10:30 am for a much calmer holy eucharist! A reminder that masks are required indoors and social distancing is strongly encouraged. We will continue to open windows to provide air circulation so dress appropriately. The 8:30 am service will continue to be live streamed. |

Making Our College Students Smile!!
Last Saturday your Outreach Committee successfully prepared 16 “goody” boxes for delivery to our hardworking college students. They are going to be so-o excited when they open them!!
In addition to the many wonderful items so kindly donated by you, our parishioners, a prayer card was included to convey our best wishes. THANK YOU to all of you who participated in making college life a little easier for our students.
O God, we pray and beseech you to guide and protect our young people from the dangers
that are ever present in our world today. Be with them, as they experience both sickness and health,
sorrow and joy, loneliness and friendship, success and failure.
Gracious God, give to them the courage and strength to make the right decisions as they
journey through life. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, may they come to know
and experience your loving care. We make this prayer through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

New Church Directory Coming in January
Stop by the table in the narthex to check your directory listing and provide any updated information or just click on the link below.
The Vestry Nominating Committee is excited to announce they are accepting nominations for the 2022-2025 Vestry Class. The nominating form, which includes details of ideal qualities for candidates along with Vestry member responsibilities, is available in the narthex at church, downloadable from our website on the “Vestry” page, and as an electronic form linked below. You can submit your name, or the name of someone you think would be a good candidate, by completing and submitting the form, or connecting with a member of the Nominating Committee, by Sunday, November 7, 2021.

Lectionary Readings for this Sunday:
Next Week’s Commemorations:
Prayer Rotation
Please join the Daughters of the King in praying for each parishioner in rotation during 2021 by taking this notice home and by posting it where it will remind you pray to on a daily basis for the needs and blessings of:
Robert and Sarah Brown (James, Ella)
Robert and Carol Buckley
Jim and Patty Bullington
A member of the Daughters of the King will be contacting you this week for special prayer requests.