From the Rector
In light of the rising Covid case rate in Carroll County, we have changed our plans for worship beginning on September 12 with Fall Kick-Off Sunday. Both the 8:30 am service and the 10:30 am service will be outdoors in our Memorial Garden.
The early service will continue to be livestreamed on Facebook. Masking for both services will be optional, with social distancing encouraged. Music and singing will continue at the 10:30 am service. In the case of inclement weather, both services will move inside and masking will be required.
We will re-evaluate later in the month, and if the case rate has dropped enough we will reconsider further changes.
Yours in God’s peace,
Saying Thank You, But Not Goodbye
This Sunday at the 10:30 am service we with thank Jane Barger for her many years as our dedicated Treasurer, and offer a blessing as she takes a well-deserved rest from ministry.
Go out in joy, be led back in peace
Join us this Sunday at both services for our back to school blessing! Kids will receive a sticker for their water bottle and pin for their backpacks with words of faith and encouragement.
Fall “Faith at Home” Bags
Make sure to pick up your Faith at Home bag filled with devotional materials and seasonal activities for all ages on September 12th!
Sunday School classes begin September 19th!
9:30 a.m. in the lower level
We are tentatively moving forward with the following plan and we will keep you informed if Diocesan guidelines change:
~ In-person classes will be held with social distancing, mandatory mask
use, cleansing and disinfecting before and after.
~ Preschool Bible Stories through 5th Grade will meet in the lower level.
~ Middle-High School Grades will meet outdoors in the Memorial Garden.
(In case of rain, the class will move to the sanctuary – with masks).
~ Our traditional “4th Sunday Fun” group activity for all grades will be
delayed until further notice.
~ Again this December, we will proceed with an outdoor drive-by
Christmas Pageant. More news forthcoming.
~ Something new! We will be setting up a children’s lending library for
use during the year. Watch for details.
Please complete a registration form for each child to be enrolled. Forms are available in the church office, during kick-off Sunday on September 12th, and available upon request from the teachers.
Looking forward to seeing the smiling faces of your children!
Sunday School Teaching Team
Yvette Allen – Preschool Bible Stories
Betsy Davis – Kindergarten – 2nd Grades
Natalie DelRegno – 3rd – 5th Grades
Joan Fader – Middle-High School Grades
(Please let us know if you would be willing to assist)
Online Bible Study Begins Next Week
Deepen your connect with the scripture that anchors our Sunday worship. Join us weekly on Thursdays beginning September 9th for a Bible study centering on one of the scripture passages for the upcoming Sunday. All are welcome!
Join Zoom Meeting…
Meeting ID: 869 5327 5656
Passcode: 864720
An Online Course on Labyrinths
The labyrinth is an ancient archetypal symbol dating back more than 3000 years.
While a maze is designed for you to lose your way … the labyrinth is designed for you to find your way. The path meanders and turns, but there are no dead ends or multiple routes – in fact there is just one path always leading to the center and back out again.
This truth allows us to focus on journeying the path and experiencing the metaphors that arise. Together we’ll explore how you can utilize the labyrinth as a tool for spiritual practice & sacred ritual in your personal life.
So begins a 7 part free online course about labyrinths you can access through this link. You’re invited to explore the spiritual power of labyrinths at your pace, and later this fall Kristin+ will offer a time of prayer and fellowship for anyone who would like to gather to reflect together.
Basket Raffle

Downtown Mt. Airy
Let the fun begin!!! The Basket Brigade has been very busy at work creating over 75 plus baskets of all sizes! Whew!!
NEEDED NOW!!!!! We need several people to distribute flyers to local businesses. The idea is to hang a flyer in their window or on their bulletin board. All that’s needed is a little time and a roll of scotch tape. Each zone has from 3 to 12 stops grouped in close proximity. Please get your assignment and flyers from Marilyn.
Sales will begin on Sunday, September 12, in the church sanctuary for two weeks; we are in need of two volunteers for 1 1/4 hours for each session to sell raffle tickets giving our parishioners and nursery school parents opportunities to participate prior to the big event at Oktoberfest.
For now, we are going “old school” by requesting that you e-mail me the date and times you will be able to help at as soon as possible. The electronic volunteer signup page will be forthcoming for many additional opportunities to help us for this, our biggest annual fundraising event!
Following are the dates and times available:
Sunday, Sept 12, 8:45-10:00 and 11:45-1:00
Monday, Sept 13, 8:45-10:00 and 12:15-1:30
Tuesday, Sept 14, 8:45-10:00
Friday, Sept 17, 8:45-10:00 and 12:15-1:30
Saturday, Sept 18, 12:45-3:00 during Shred Event
Sunday, Sept 19, 8:45-10:00 and 11:45-1:00
Wednesday, Sept 22, 8:45-10:00 and 11:45-1:00
Thursday, Sept 23, 8:45-10:00
Sunday, Sept 26, 8:45-10:00 and 11:45-1:00
Thank you, in advance, for any time you may be able to offer to help us.
Marilyn Hancock
2021 Basket Raffle & Silent Auction
Sunday Worship Information
Attend Indoor In Person or watch the service livestreamed on Facebook
- Masks are required at this service
- We will begin increasing seating capacity by adding chairs and introducing rows on one side of the sanctuary while keeping pods of chairs separated on the other side for those who still desire social distancing
- You no longer need to sign up online for this service
We plan to begin streaming to Facebook at 8:30 am. If you arrive at Facebook and you don’t see the video, please refresh your screen. There is a delay. A printable bulletin is available here.
Join us this Sunday for Holy Eucharist
in the Memorial Garden at 10:30 am
- This is a mask-optional service
- If this service moves indoors due to inclement weather, it will be still be mask-optional except during singing – anyone who chooses to sing will be required to mask up for the hymns
- There is no sign up for attending the 10:30 am outdoor worship
Inclement Weather Announcements
This summer, our 10:30 service will be celebrated outdoors if the weather cooperates. If the weather looks threatening, the 10:30 service will be held indoors. when we decide to celebrate the 10:30 service indoors, we’ll post an announcement to our Facebook page by 8:00 am Sunday morning. (In the past we sent an email on Saturday afternoon. This new streamlined approach gets us out of the weather forecasting business – a little, anyways.)

Lectionary Readings for this Sunday:
Next Week’s Commemorations:
Prayer Rotation
Please join the Daughters of the King in praying for each parishioner in rotation during 2021 by taking this notice home and by posting it where it will remind you pray to on a daily basis for the needs and blessings of:
Gabby Markham (Abby)
Timothy and Melissa Washabaugh (Isabella, Grant)
Thomas and Beverly Williams
A member of the Daughters of the King will be contacting you this week for special prayer requests.