The Shell Newsletter – June 24, 2021

Our Scouts will be heading out for Summer Camp this Sunday morning.  The upper parking will be closed to provide an area for packing and hitching the trailer as well as space for family send-offs.  Thanks so much for your cooperation!





The Vestry saw a fork in the road and took it. We met in a hybrid format for the first time in 16 months! Those that met in person were masked and socially distanced, sitting at the back of the church near the coffee table. A few others joined via Zoom. It’s another small step towards normalcy.

Some of this Vestry meeting was spent reviewing survey results. I thank all of you who participated in the survey. We had a pretty good response and it helped shape our path forward for the summer months. The results were not tightly clustered, so we are providing multiple worship options that should allow everyone to find something in their pandemic comfort zone:

  • 8:30 indoor worship, masks are required for this service
  • Livestreaming of the 8:30 service
  • 10:30 outdoor worship in the memorial garden (when the weather cooperates). Masks are optional at the 10:30 service except if the service is moved indoors because of weather and you’re singing. Diocesan guidelines for the yellow phase require us to wear a mask when singing indoors. They’re optional at the outdoor 10:30 service and they’re even optional if the 10:30 service is moved indoors except when you’re singing.

Kristin will be taking some well-deserved time off this July. Contact me if you have a pastoral need and I’ll connect you with a pastor in our area that will support us.

Dave Rak, Senior Warden

(The giant metal fork is on loan from the collection of the St. James’ Thrift Shop.)


Sunday Worship Information






Attend Indoor In Person
or watch the service livestreamed on Facebook

  • Masks are required at this service
  • We will begin increasing seating capacity by adding chairs and introducing rows on one side of the sanctuary while keeping pods of chairs separated on the other side for those who still desire social distancing
  • You no longer need to sign up online for this service

  We plan to begin streaming to Facebook at 8:30 am.  If you arrive at Facebook and you don’t see the video, please refresh your screen.  There is a delay.  A printable bulletin is available here.


Join us this Sunday for Holy Eucharist with music
in the Memorial Garden at 10:30 am

  • This is a mask-optional service
  • If this service moves indoors due to inclement weather, it will be still be mask-optional except during singing – anyone who chooses to sing will be required to mask up for the hymns
  • There is no sign up for attending the 10:30 am outdoor worship

Inclement Weather Announcements
This summer, our 10:30 service will be celebrated outdoors if the weather cooperates.  If the weather looks threatening, the 10:30 service will be held indoors.  when we decide to celebrate the 10:30 service indoors, we’ll post an announcement to our Facebook page by 8:00 am Sunday morning.  (In the past we sent an email on Saturday afternoon.  This new streamlined approach gets us out of the weather forecasting business – a little, anyways.)



Lectionary Readings for this Sunday:

Next Week’s Commemorations:

27 Cornelius Hill, Priest and Chief among the Oneida, 1907
28 Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons, c. 202
29 Saint Peter and Saint Paul, Apostles
1 Harriet Beecher Stowe, Writer and Prophetic Witness, 1896
2 Walter Rauschenbusch, 1918, Washington Gladden, 1918, and Jacob Riis, 1914, Prophetic Witnesses

Prayer Rotation
Please join the Daughters of the King in praying for each parishioner in rotation during 2021 by taking this notice home and by posting it where it will remind you pray to on a daily basis for the needs and blessings of:

Alan ad Nancy Nanavaty (Kali, Connor)
Christopher and Dawn Neary (Aubrey, Natalie, Molly, Daniel)
Margaret Neff

A member of the Daughters of the King will be contacting  you this week for special prayer requests.