The Shell Newsletter – June 17, 2021

From the Rector

A New Executive Director for St. James’ Nursery School

I am excited to announce that Michelle Rippeon has accepted the call to be the next Executive Director of St. James’ Nursery School. Michelle has been a valued member of our school staff for the past four years and so knows our community and families well. She has an extensive background in early childhood education and a passion for teaching and leading. I know she will continue the high standard of excellence people expect from our dual-accredited program. You can read more about her in the bio below.

I am thankful for our Transition Team:  Board Chair Sarah Brown and Board members Terri Demosky-Tippett and Marc Argoud, along with Board Staff Representative Kathryn Janiga who participated in interviews. We received several applications and interviewed two outstanding candidates. The team’s leadership and hard work set this transition up for success.

Our current Executive Director Pat Castle retires at the end of July. Michelle will be coming on board in the middle of next month to ensure a smooth transition. I am thankful for Pat’s nearly two decades of dedicated leadership. Keep your eyes open for plans to celebrate and bless her in early August!

Yours in God’s peace,

Michelle holds a Bachelor’s degree in Child Development from Virginia Tech and a Master’s degree in Elementary Education from George Mason University. She taught elementary for six years before starting a family. Michelle has four children of her own, two of which attended St. James. Michelle just finished her third year at St. James and has worked as an early childhood education in Maryland since 2014. She enjoys spending time with her family and friends, cheering for her children at sporting events, exercising and crafting.

Regathering Survey Results & Next Steps
If you missed this morning’s article you can read it HERE.

July Worship and Pastoral Care
While our service schedule will remain the same in July, we will be praying Morning Prayer rather than Holy Eucharist. Earlier this year we announced that Kristin’s  sabbatical, which was scheduled for 2021, would be postponed to 2022.  In order to build in some substantial time for her refreshment this year Kristin+ will take the whole month of July off for vacation and professional development.  Dave and Kathy Rak, Blix Winston, Peter Sabonis, and Annie Horrigan have agreed to lead worship for the four Sundays in July.

During this time, Kristin+ will not be available to accept phone calls, emails, or text messages.  Arrangements have been made for pastoral care in her absence.  She will be kept informed of church happenings.  Please resist the urge to reach out to her as you normally would during this time.

If you have a pastoral need in July, contact senior warden Dave Rak.


Sunday Worship Information






Attend Indoor In Person
or watch the service livestreamed on Facebook

  • Masks are required at this service
  • We will begin increasing seating capacity by adding chairs and introducing rows on one side of the sanctuary while keeping pods of chairs separated on the other side for those who still desire social distancing
  • You no longer need to sign up online for this service

  We plan to begin streaming to Facebook at 8:30 am.  If you arrive at Facebook and you don’t see the video, please refresh your screen.  There is a delay.  A printable bulletin is available here.


Join us this Sunday for Holy Eucharist with music
in the Memorial Garden at 10:30 am

  • This is a mask-optional service
  • If this service moves indoors due to inclement weather, it will be still be mask-optional except during singing – anyone who chooses to sing will be required to mask up for the hymns
  • There is no sign up for attending the 10:30 am outdoor worship

Nursery School

The end-of-year has been a super exciting and busy time at the Nursery School for children and staff! Over the last month children have had a petting zoo visit, spirit week, snowball day, and an outdoor fun day to help celebrate the completion of the school year. The 4-year-old classrooms were also able to participate in end-of-year graduation activities.

As a small token of appreciation to staff for all their continued hard work supporting the children and the Nursery School, the Nursery Board gave staff members an end-of-year gift. We are so appreciative of their efforts throughout this challenging year. Thank you also to the Nursery Board team who planned and organized this gift.

The end-of-year also gave a time to celebrate the retirement of long-time staff members Sharon Hansen, Nursery School Business Manager, and the upcoming retirement of Pat Castle, Nursery School Executive Director. We have been blessed to operate under their exceptional leadership for so many years.  A huge thank you to Rev. Kristin and our search committee for their efforts and the successful hiring of Mechelle Cascardo as Business Manager and Michelle Rippeon as Executive Director of our Nursery School.

Over the upcoming summer months, the Nursery School classrooms will be refreshed with updated paint and the few remaining work items left to complete the fire repairs.



Lectionary Readings for this Sunday:

Next Week’s Commemorations:

20 Elizabeth Cady Stanton, 1902; Amelia Bloomer, 1894; Sojourner Truth, 1883; and Harriet Ross Tubman, 1913, Liberators and Prophets
21 Albert John Luthuli, Prophetic Witness in South Africa, 1967
22 Saint Mary Magdalene
24 Thomas à Kempis, Priest, 1471
25 Saint James the Apostle
26 Joachim and Anne, Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Prayer Rotation
Please join the Daughters of the King in praying for each parishioner in rotation during 2021 by taking this notice home and by posting it where it will remind you pray to on a daily basis for the needs and blessings of:

Glenn Mullett and Averelle Smith (Kenleigh, Lindsay)
Sean and Lynne Murdock
Leslie Murphy and Chris Richard

A member of the Daughters of the King will be contacting  you this week for special prayer requests.