From the Rector
Our Holy Week Journey
Today we enter the Triduum, the three holy days encompassing Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday that guide us to Easter morning. For centuries upon centuries Christians have been gathering to retrace the last steps of Christ by journeying through these days. We make this pilgrimage through story, symbol, and sacrament.
While how we are worshipping looks different this year because of the pandemic, our services will nonetheless continue to guide us through this sacred time. I hope to see you at our Maundy Thursday Agape Supper and on Good Friday for stations of the cross. Both services have been planned to deepen our encounter with the story we tell this week, that in doing so our faith may deepen as well. May God bless you through these holy days.
Yours in God’s peace,
On Maundy Thursday (4/1 ) we will gather on Zoom for an agape supper with readings and prayers at 6:30 pm. While enjoying simple dinners in our own homes, we will come together virtually to read scripture and pray as we remember the final night Jesus spent around a table with his friends.
Meeting ID: 873 6112 3305
Passcode: 936991
One tap mobile: +13017158592,,87361123305#
On Good Friday (4/2 ) you’re invited to journey The Way of the Cross on Zoom at 7:00 pm. In this traditional stations of the cross service we will walk Jesus’ final steps through scripture, prayer, and artwork.
Meeting ID: 861 5872 6841
Passcode: 388751
One tap mobile: +13017158592,,86158726841#
Easter Vigil livestream from the Cathedral of the Incarnation at 7:00 pm on April 3.
Sunday Worship Information
Going back into the church building doesn’t mean a “return to normal.” Not only will the church itself look different, but we will continue COVID protocols to protect the health and safety of all.
Reserve Your Seats
Based on Diocesan guidelines and the size of our sanctuary our max capacity for this service will be 40 people. This means that if you would like to attend the 8:30 am service you will need to sign up in advance. The link to sign up will be in the Shell Newsletter every week and on the website homepage about half way down.
NOTE: If you are assigned to serve as an usher, reader, or on altar guild you do NOT need to sign up for any date at which you are serving.
COVID Protocols
For the safety and protection of everyone, the following practices will be followed:
- Masks and social distancing will be required, along with the parameters established in the Covenant for Regathering.
- Only the front entrance will be unlocked and open
- Ushers will record everyone who attends in our contact tracing binder
- Hand sanitizer will be placed in prominent locations at the entrance and in church
- The church will look different – the rows of chairs have been replaced by spread out groupings of chairs to maintain distancing
- Prayer books and hymnals have been removed, the weekly bulletin will have the complete order of service
- Toys, books, and crayons have been removed; activity sheets will still be available
- This service will be an abbreviated Holy Eucharist and is designed to last about 30 minutes
- There will be no music at this service (the same as our 8:30 am Eucharist prior to COVID)
- There will no coffee hour after the service
Streaming will be available on Facebook and YouTube at 10:30 am.
A printable bulletin is available here.
April has arrived! We are hoping you will hand in your Lenten coin boxes on Easter Day or during the month of April. Your coins will help to benefit the children at Matim Primary School in Tanzania – our A is for Africa outreach project.
So, parish family…….we made it through a year of pandemic guidelines with our Sunday School students. Although there will be no Sunday School classes on Easter Day, our regular schedule continues on April 11th:
Preschool – 5th Grade with Betsy Davis and Yvette Allen
Bible Stories and activities on Zoom at 9:30 a.m.
Middle-High School with Joan Fader and Natalie DelRegno
Living the Good News curriculum.
In the sanctuary at 9:30 a.m. (with masks/distancing/ sanitizing guidelines).
If weather permits, we will meet outdoors in the Memorial Garden.
Upcoming in May…….we will be ending all Sunday School classes on May 23rd along with our end-of-the-year Closing Ceremony. Additional information will be coming your way!
Happy Spring!
St. James’ Teaching Team
Yvette Allen, Betsy Davis
Natalie DelRegno, Joan Fader
Spring Book Discussion Group
Our next pick: The Man Who Met God in a Bar: The Gospel According to Marvin by Robert Farrar Capon.
A retelling of the Gospel set in modern day Cleveland, Robert Farrar Capon tells the story of Marvin Goodman, a businessman who finds himself an airport bar where he encounters a charismatic young chef named Jerry–who claims to be God. Before long, Marvin finds himself in the middle of a spiritual revival–witnessing miracles, healings and one everlasting anchovy pizza. For not only does Jerry claim to be God, he also says that he’s going to die (perhaps fairly soon), that he will rise from his grave and that everybody will benefit from it. The reader of this fantasy/parable/gospel soon comes to recognize New Testament characters and events in distinctly modern dress. They are by turns, honest, wisecracking, endearing, raucous, flip, devoted followers, shocked observers, pious and cynical.
This wry and wonderfully inspired account of the Gospel story will make you laugh out loud and reexamine scriptures you have read dozens of times in new ways. Should make for some great discussion!
Pick up a copy from your favorite bookseller (here’s the link to order through Amazon Smile) or library and gather on May 4 at 7:00 pm on Zoom for discussion and reflection.
The Outreach Committee is happy to say we were able to deliver 21 over-filled Easter baskets to the Lorien Center for use at their special Easter Bingo for the senior citizens; our goal was 12!! The manager was completely overwhelmed at the generosity of the parishioners of St. James’ Church and extremely thankful!
Thank you once again to our donors and those who helped to assemble the beautiful baskets to make so many happy during this Easter season.

Thanks to a generous donation from a family in our parish to the Rector’s Discretionary Fund we are able to offer assistance to members of the congregation experiencing financial hardship. Please reach out to Rev. Kristin for more information.
Good Friday Offering
We will not physically pass the plate this year – but please continue your spiritual practice of supporting the Good Friday Offering, which provides critical support to the dioceses of Jerusalem and the Middle East. Click Here to learn more about this annual offering.
To make a donation to the Good Friday Offering by mail, please write a check payable to the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society, write “Good Friday Offering” in the memo line, and mail to:
DFMS – Protestant Episcopal Church US
P.O. Box 958983
St. Louis, MO 63195-8983
Lectionary Readings for the Easter Day:
Next Week’s Commemorations:
Prayer Rotation
Please join the Daughters of the King in praying for each parishioner in rotation during 2021 by taking this notice home and by posting it where it will remind you pray to on a daily basis for the needs and blessings of:
Leslie Dickinson and Peter Sabonis (Jacob)
Richard Drehoff, Jr.
Bryant and Karen Dulany
A member of the Daughters of the King will be contacting you this week for special prayer requests.