Vestry members did some visioning work recently and shared what they see on the horizon – their hopes, concerns, and goals for the year ahead. Returning to indoor worship made the list of course. We’d also like to build and nurture connections with young people and remote people. We’ve improved our digital footprint over the past year and we’d like to maintain that. We’ll have some work ahead with transitions in key roles like Church Treasurer, at our Nursery School, and Thrift Shop. We’d like to improve congregational involvement overall. Racial reconciliation issues deserve attention. We hope to improve our financial stability as we get back into the swing of things. We’d like to establish a connection with other churches in Mount Airy and possibly share worship. We look forward to the eventual return of small groups, like the Grace & Grub meals. We’re concerned that we may lose some people permanently because of all the transitions and uncertainty of the last year. And we’re concerned about being segregated by politics. We’d like to train ourselves in conflict management and learn how to facilitate difficult conversations with respect and tolerance.
Clergy, wardens, and diocesan staff meet twice a month. In these meetings, I’m reminded that we’re not alone, other parishes are facing similar challenges. The diocese made several of their scientists and doctors available to describe the science behind pandemic re-opening guidance. I was impressed with their professionalism and competence. A lot of friends and colleagues have been hurt by this pandemic. These are hard times with more than their share of fatigue and frustration. It’s okay. Stay connected. Be patient and show kindness to others (include yourself!) as we continue our slow recovery.
Finally, Vestry members will be reflecting on a series of essays collected in the book “We Shall Be Changed – Questions for the Post-Pandemic Church” over the next few months. Our “new normal” won’t be our “old normal” and that’s not necessarily a bad thing – we hope to come out even stronger than before.
Dave Rak
Senior Warden
Sunday Worship Information
Reserve Your Seats
Based on Diocesan guidelines and the size of our sanctuary our max capacity for this service will be 40 people. This means that if you would like to attend the 8:30 am service you will need to sign up in advance. The link to sign up will be in the Shell Newsletter every week and on the website homepage about half way down.
NOTE: If you are assigned to serve as an usher, reader, or on altar guild you do NOT need to sign up for any date at which you are serving.
COVID Protocols
For the safety and protection of everyone, the following practices will be followed:
- Masks and social distancing will be required, along with the parameters established in the Covenant for Regathering.
- Only the front entrance will be unlocked and open
- Ushers will record everyone who attends in our contact tracing binder
- Hand sanitizer will be placed in prominent locations at the entrance and in church
- The church will look different – the rows of chairs have been replaced by spread out groupings of chairs to maintain distancing
- Prayer books and hymnals have been removed, the weekly bulletin will have the complete order of service
- Toys, books, and crayons have been removed; activity sheets will still be available
- This service will be an abbreviated Holy Eucharist and is designed to last about 30 minutes
- There will be no music at this service (the same as our 8:30 am Eucharist prior to COVID)
- There will no coffee hour after the service
Join us on Palm Sunday for online worship at 10:30 am followed by Zoom Coffee Hour, or watch the service livestreamed on Facebook.
A printable bulletin is available here.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 820 8668 4148
Passcode: 242425
One tap mobile +13017158592,,82086684148#
Facebook Livestream
We plan to begin streaming to Facebook at 10:30 am. If you arrive at Facebook and you don’t see the video, please refresh your screen. There is a delay.

The middle-high Sunday School classes will be at 9:30 am this Sunday in the sanctuary following masks/distancing/sanitizing guidelines. Once the nicer weather arrives, we will return to holding class in the outside Memorial Garden.
Sunday School classes will be held this coming Sunday on Zoom for preschool-5th.
Thrift Shop
Spring is finally here! We will start transitioning to spring and summer clothes this week and by next week many new/used items will be for sale. There are many wonderful men’s women’s and children’s clothes that will be gracing our racks with the promise of warm weather.
The Thrift Shop is seeking a new part-time employee so if you know of anyone who may be interested, please have them apply.
Our volunteers from church and the community continue to help us daily in all aspects of maintaining a neat and friendly environment for our customers. Our employees are also working hard and have received compliments about our store from the community.
Please stop and shop at our store!
Altar Flower Ministry
Easter Flowers
Each year during Lent we collect memorials and thanksgivings with donations to help in the purchase of flowers and music. This year we will have an in-person service with beautiful flowers. An online service with flowers and music is being prepared which you will be able to view on Easter Day.
Spring plants are available for purchase and can be picked up on Sunday, April 4 from 9:30 to 10:30 am or Tuesday, April 6, 11:00 am to 3:00 pm.
The Outreach Committee would like to thank all of you who so generously donated items for our Easter project of filled baskets for the senior citizens at The Lorien Center in Mt. Airy. This week the committee will fill baskets with goodies then wrap them in cellophane topped with a beautiful Spring bow. A beautiful prayer of blessing will be included in each basket.
Once again, thank you and blessings to all who are helping to make this Easter special for our local senior citizens.
We need your ALLELUIA! this Easter
LAST CHANCE to dig out your craft supplies and get creative to make a sign of any size saying ALLELUIA! then take a picture of members of your household holding the sign and send it to the church office by 3/29.
We’ll use everyone’s pictures to make a special video to be included in our Easter Day online worship service. PS – this isn’t just for kids, we want everyone to participate! Let’s all join the fun to make this Easter a joyful celebration.
Financial Help for Parishioners
The members of our community who gave a generous donation to the Rector’s Discretionary Fund with the hope of helping parishioners with winter heating assistance have extended these funds to help parishioners in whatever way in needed during these tough times. Please reach out to Rev. Kristin for more information if we can help you in the coming months.
Good Friday Offering
We will not physically pass the plate this year – but please continue your spiritual practice of supporting the Good Friday Offering, which provides critical support to the dioceses of Jerusalem and the Middle East. Click Here to learn more about this annual offering.
To make a donation to the Good Friday Offering by mail, please write a check payable to the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society, write “Good Friday Offering” in the memo line, and mail to:
DFMS – Protestant Episcopal Church US
P.O. Box 958983
St. Louis, MO 63195-8983
Lectionary Readings for the Palm Sunday:
- Zechariah 9:9-12
- Mark 11:1-11
- Philippians 2:5-11
Next Week’s Commemorations:
Prayer Rotation
Please join the Daughters of the King in praying for each parishioner in rotation during 2021 by taking this notice home and by posting it where it will remind you pray to on a daily basis for the needs and blessings of:
Paul Danna and Mary Hutchins-Danna
John and Betsy Davis
Cory and Natalie DelRegno (Tyler, Kyle)
A member of the Daughters of the King will be contacting you this week for special prayer requests.