Advent & Christmas Take Home Kits

Advent–Christmas–Epiphany Take Home Kits!

The First Sunday of Advent is November 29th this year. One of the things I look forward to all year at church is our annual Advent wreath making party. Like so many other things, this is something we will not be able to do in the same way this year. And yet I can’t help but think that the things that are touchstones for us are now more important than ever. With this in mind, we have created take home kits that will include supplies for celebrating Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany in your home alongside our weekly Sunday services.

Each kit will contain:

  • An Advent wreath form, candles, and prayer booklet
  • Other Advent devotionals and sticker-a-day sets
  • Seasonal coloring sheets
  • Nicholas Day celebration materials (read below about a special event!)
  • Nativity stickers and cardstock crèche
  • Epiphany house blessing materials

These kits are for EVERYBODY not just families with kids.

Kits will be available for socially distanced pick up from Noon-2:00 on Sunday 11/15 and Sunday 11/22. If you aren’t able to make one of these times, or if you need a kit dropped off at your home, please let me know – we want to get a kit to every household that wants one!