From the Rector – Sources of Transformation
A few weeks ago at our Annual Meeting I taught one of the core models from the College for Congregational Development – Sources of Transformation. This model seeks to illustrate the various ways in which our faith and lives are transformed when we gather together as the body of Christ.
We explored the four key areas of transformation in faith communities: Prayer and Worship, Study and Learning, Action, and Life in Community – and then looked at the components of each of them:
- Prayer and Worship: Holy Eucharist, Daily Office, Personal Prayer
- Study and Learning: Mind, Heart, Practice
- Action: Stewardship, Service, Evangelism
- Life in Community: Conversation, Food, Silence/Listening
If you were unable to attend the meeting or had to leave early, handouts with a full description of the model are available in the narthex.
After learning the model, we engaged in a data gathering activity where everyone was invited to take a survey on newsprint hung around the sanctuary. The questions on the survey were designed to gauge how well the congregation does at offering things related to the sources of transformation, with everyone making tally marks across a scale from 1 (low level of agreement with the question) to 6 (high level of agreement with the question). Copies of the collated survey data are available alongside the handout of the model in the narthex.
So what did we learn from the data collected that day? Here is a brief reflection:
- Worship and Prayer – Most people felt the Sunday Eucharist renews people for Christian life in the world, but did not feel we offer opportunities or equip people to say the Daily Office. There was a wide spread on whether or not people feel equipped for personal prayer.
- Study and Learning – About 2/3 of folks rated 4-6 for the congregation providing ways of learning that lead to action, and a most felt it provides ways to learn that connect to our experiences and values. Everyone scored “offers Christian formation for all ages” 4 and higher.
- Action – Nearly everyone feels the congregation supports people in stewardship of their resources, while there is a wider spread of responses from 2-6 on where it supports people in sharing the good news of Christ (evangelism). There was a strong consensus that the congregation supports people to serve each other and the world.
- Life in Community – The data was very clear that people valued the way the congregation offers opportunities for people to share meals. There was also consensus with scores spread evenly from 4-6 that the congregation offers opportunities for people to enter into deeper conversation. There was a wider range of answers from 2-6 on whether opportunities for silence and listening are provided.
So what does all of this tell us? First, it only tells us what the people who were there that day had to say. It’s also important to remember is that every congregation has things that it excels at and opportunities for growth. This survey is less about a good/bad rating, and more about helping to see what we do well and areas that might need attention. This information is important for the Vestry and parish leadership so that we know what work to focus on. It also tells us something about our congregational identity – that is, the nexus of the questions: who are we? who is our neighbor? what is our purpose? Aligning our programs, ministries, and budget to our identity is a marker of health and vitality, and this is an ongoing focus for us at this time.
The Vestry will be on retreat Friday night and all day Saturday. In addition to team building and spiritual formation, we will be reviewing the data from this survey, along with data from the same survey that Ministry Chairs participated in last fall. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this deeper understanding of our community.
Yours in God’s peace,
Don’t forget TONIGHT the Outreach committee will meet at 6:30 pm to flesh out activities for the coming year. I am so happy to be serving as your new Outreach Chair.
We’ve had quite a few responses to our Call for Crafters to gather together in fellowship. We hope to nail down a start date this evening. So, look out for that upcoming announcement.
The season of Lent is approaching fast! The first day of Lent is Wednesday, February 26th. The Outreach Committee will have Lenten calendars available for parishioners but if your friends or coworkers would like one, please give them one too! Let them know the contributions are donated to Mt. Airy Net. The calendars and instructions will be available for pick up on Sunday, February 23 in the narthex. The Youth Group decorated boxes to place the food and sundry items but you can also use your own box or bag. Donations need to be brought back to church by Palm Sunday as they will be blessed on Easter morning.
Warmest regards, Gabby Markham
Daughters of the King
Meetings: 1st Tuesdays of the month, Church sitting area at 4:00 p.m.
An Order for laywomen of the Episcopal Church who undertake a Rule of Prayer and Rule of Service by reaffirmation of promises made at Confirmation.
Karen Dulany, Joan Fader, Margaret Neff, Peg Pelch
The Daughters of the King participated in a fulfilling weekend in January at the Claggett Center in Buckeystown attending a women’s retreat. The theme was “Walking the Way of Love”. The Way of Love rule of life, pioneered by Presiding Bishop Michael Curry as a tool to focus our spiritual lives, includes seven components:
Turn, Learn, Pray, Worship, Bless, Go, Rest
In addition, we enjoyed fellowship, worship, music (and good food) with 60+ other women. Each of us participated in a variety of interesting worships offered during the weekend: journaling, book binding, bead making, sumi painting, acrylic art, yoga and outdoor activities.
Next year the women’s retreat will celebrate a 20th anniversary with plans of making it a big event. Perhaps you will consider joining other St. James’ ladies for a fellowship weekend together. Stay tuned……
Parish Administrator Hours for the week of February 23, Monday through Thursday 10-4.
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, February 25, 2020 The Pancake Supper will be here soon and we hope you plan to come! There will be activities during the evening as well as a photo wall where you can get your picture taken. The schedule is as follows: 5:30 – Dinner begins, 6:00 – Pancake races, 6:30 – Burning of the palms, 7:00 – Last pancakes served.
Lenten Compline Services A Compline Service will be held during Lent for those of you who are seeking a quiet place to pray. Come join us on Mondays, March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 and April 6 at 7 pm in the sanctuary. Compline is a service of evening prayers that is the final church service (or office) of the day. This service is typically 30 minutes. Prayer books will be provided – just bring yourselves!
Prayer Rotation Please join the Daughters of the King in praying for each parishioner in rotation during 2020 by taking this notice home and by posting it where it will remind you pray to on a daily basis for the needs and blessing of:
James and Janet McKeever (Katie)
Mark and Wanda Meinschein
Frederick and Jennifer Meisenkothen (Zachary, Emma)
A member of the Daughters of the King will be contacting you this week for special prayer requests.
Next Week's Commemorations (A Great Cloud of Witnesses, 2020)