The Renewal Team – Sabbatical & Congregational Renewal
As I shared at the Annual Meeting, I am planning to take a sabbatical next year. I began talking with the Vestry two years ago about my hopes for taking a sabbatical, and identified 2021 as the right time. I will be completing my sixth full year at St. James’, and beginning my seventh, next fall.
Sabbatical is time set aside for clergy to step away briefly from the persistent obligations of daily parish life and to engage in a time of renewal and reflection. Renewal periods are not vacation, but times for intentional exploration and reflection, for regaining enthusiasm and creativity for ministry, and for discovering what will make the pastor’s heart sing.
That description is taken directly from the Lilly Endowment National Clergy Renewal Program. The resources offered by this program have spurred my own thinking about sabbatical and renewal, and have widened our conversation about how that period can be a time of renewal for the congregation as well – both in the sense of the work done in preparation for my time away, and for using that time for intentional community building.
I am pleased to share that Senior Warden Jeannie Pellicier, Treasurer Jane Barger, and parishioners Joan Fader, Lynda Ellis, and Blix Winston are serving on a Renewal Team to work with me to vision and plan for this important time for our community. A part of our work will be applying to the Lilly Endowment Clergy Renewal Program for a grant to cover both my sabbatical plans as well as congregational renewal activities and clergy coverage while I am away. Please keep this team and our work in your prayers, and reach out to any member if you have questions or ideas!
Yours in God’s peace,
Nursery School
As the second half of the year begins we have enjoyed the mild weather which gives the children an opportunity to run and play outside.
We have really been enjoying the visits from Mt Airy’s own Center Stage Performing Arts Program. The teachers keep the children moving while using a variety of great music and songs. We are so thankful to have been able to offer the program this year.
Coming in March the children will enjoy three sessions with “Soccer Shots”, kicking soccer balls around the large field next to the playground. The annual Scholastic Book Fair is also just around the corner. This year’s theme is Book Fair Jungle: Elephants, Tigers, and Books, OH MY!!
Don’t forget registration for new families has begun. If you know of a friend, coworker, neighbor, or anyone that has a preschooler that will be at least 2-years-old by September, please have them give us a call or drop by for a tour.
Worship Ministries
Chalice Servers (from the annual report) Our chalice servers assist our Rector at the altar during communion by offering the cup (the blood of Christ). This is a very honorable ministry made available to the laity by our Episcopal Church. This ministry provides an opportunity to serve our church in a rewarding and humbling manner.
We currently have 12 chalice servers who assist at communion on a rotating monthly basis. At the 8:30 service, the server assists the rector with setting the table, administering the chalice and reading the lessons, psalm and prayers of the people. Two servers administer the cup at the 10:30 service.
If you are interested in joining our chalice ministry or have questions, please contact Deb Schaeffer at
Acolytes (from the annual report) The Acolyte Group consisted of 10 dedicated Youths willing to serve on a rotational basis in 2019. However, due to many of our Acolytes taking on more responsibilities with school and work as well as graduating and starting college, we have lost six of our group. With only four Acolytes at this time, we need to increase our numbers. Many hands make light work! We welcome any youth (or young at heart) in our church community grade 3 and up who would like to learn and serve as an Acolyte. We will soon have a day to work with the Acolytes so this is the perfect time to join us! There is always a need of three Acolytes for the 10:30 a.m. service each Sunday consisting of one Crucifer and two Torches. Please see Heather Albertson or contact her at if interested.
Our hope is to replace the old robes with properly fitting ones as soon as possible after we have a full crew, so our Acolytes can be comfortable. With the hope of new Youth joining, we have hesitated until we know the range at least.
I would like to thank all the Youths that have served our Church so faithfully each Sunday! Our service runs smoothly with their assistance each week and it is much appreciated. I would also like to thank the parents of our Youth Acolytes for supporting them and St. James’ so they are able to serve. Many hands make light work!
Our Acolytes for 2019 and into 2020 (and hopefully more to come J) are: Connor Nanavaty, Kyle DelRegno, Zachary Krantz, Caroline Pellicier, and Jasper Krantz.
Lectors (from the annual report) In the early church, a lector was a person trained in reading scripture who was appointed by the clergy person in charge of the congregation to read lessons or lead the prayers of the people. The term is from the Latin, “to read.” By the third century this ministry was performed by those ordained to the minor order of lector (reader). The minor orders became steps leading to ordination to the priesthood. The lector read from the ambo (lectern) in the basilicas of the fourth and fifth century. These minor orders were not continued in Anglicanism.
Today, our lectors read the lessons and psalms and the prayers of the people during service time. Lectors should have a strong reading voice, be familiar with the worship service, and comfortable with microphones. They also should be flexible, being able to spontaneously “fill in.” The ministry leader currently schedules the lectors and reports this to the church secretary. The leader also trains new lectors. We are always open to having more lectors.
This year, we had a pool of roughly 13 adults who served at the 10:30 service and 4 adults at the 8:30 service (who are also chalicists).
If you would like to be a lector, please contact Peter Sabonis (301-639-2561).
Ushers (from the annual report) Ushers are here to greet the people coming to church. We hand out bulletins, help people to their seats if needed, let them know where the restrooms are, check the sound system, and pass the collection plate. At the 10:30 service the ushers take the wine and bread to the altar for communion.
Being an usher has responsibilities but is a fairly easy job. I have been doing the job for 8 years, shortly after joining the church. We have lost a few volunteers but gained a new one Bobby Brown. Our current volunteers are: 8:30 Cheri McClanahan, Dave Oland, Tom Kaufman, 10:30 are Jim Bullington, Vic Pellicier, Lynda Ellis, Tyler DelRegno and Cory DelRegno. More volunteers are always welcomed.
Parish Administrator Hours for the week of February 16, Monday through Thursday 10-4.
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, February 25, 2020 The Pancake Supper will be here soon and we hope you plan to come! There will be activities during the evening as well as a photo wall where you can get your picture taken. The schedule is as follows: 5:30 – Dinner begins, 6:00 – Pancake races, 6:30 – Burning of the palms, 7:00 – Last pancakes served.
Lenten Compline Services A Compline Service will be held during Lent for those of you who are seeking a quiet place to pray. Come join us on Mondays, March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 and April 6 at 7 pm in the sanctuary. Compline is a service of evening prayers that is the final church service (or office) of the day. This service is typically 30 minutes. Prayer books will be provided – just bring yourselves!
Prayer Rotation Please join the Daughters of the King in praying for each parishioner in rotation during 2020 by taking this notice home and by posting it where it will remind you pray to on a daily basis for the needs and blessing of:
Phillip Massay and Jie Yang (Ethan)
James and Simone Mauro (Cameron, Michael)
Tim and Cheri McClanahan (Bryce, Trevor)
A member of the Daughters of the King will be contacting you this week for special prayer requests.
Next Week's Commemorations (A Great Cloud of Witnesses, 2020)