There is a lot of news from Vestry this month so grab a comfy chair and a cup of coffee to read on!
At the Annual Business Meeting this past Sunday, we voted in 3 new members to Vestry. Welcome to Matt Kastel, Dave Rak and Vivian Carden. We are so thankful for their time and the talents they bring. As these three members join us, we say good-bye to Susan Straus, Chris Richard, and Ave Smith. Susan kept meticulous notes for us the past three years, Chris is a wonderful resource in all IT related matters and Ave is so creative, making wonderful gifts for people. Thank you all!
A couple of projects are also in the works at St. James. Jason Kilmore is in the process of mowing the storm water management pond area and Ty Conlon will be renting a lift soon to remove the tape off 3 sprinkler caps in the ceiling. The lift is very heavy so plywood will need to be put down to prevent the floor from being damaged. Please contact Ty if you are able to help in any way.
News from the Diocese: “Since the earthquakes in our companion diocese, we have designated February 9 as the Sunday of Support for Puerto Rico. Donated funds will go directly to the Episcopal Diocese of Puerto Rico, to support their hospital, social services ministry, their orphanage, and those areas of critical need from the earthquakes. Many of the institutions in Puerto Rico are run by their Episcopal Diocese.” Give to the Diocese of Puerto Rico at #DioceseofHope.
“Save the Date”: Open Doors: Hard Conversations About Church Safety, March 19, 2020 9:30 am – 3:00 pm”
Kristin+ is looking into this for more information. Please let her know if you are interested in going.
Our proposed Summer 2020 Vacation Bible School, The Abundant Life Garden Project, is an opportunity to teach our children practices that bring into action Environmental Stewardship. To learn more about this exciting curriculum offered by Episcopal Relief & Development click HERE.
In order to make VBS a reality this summer, planning needs to begin very soon. We are still in need of several more volunteers to get this program off the ground. We will be making a decision on whether or not to proceed in the next week or so. Please, if you are able to help with planning and staffing for The Abundant Life Garden Project VBS to be held August 3-7, please give Kristin+ a call or email her as soon as possible.
A View From the Pew
Parish Administrator Hours for the week of February 2, Monday through Thursday 10-4. Outreach Committee There will be a brief Outreach Committee meeting on February 2 at 9:30 in the kitchen to discuss our next steps going forward and to welcome our new Outreach Chair, Gabby Markham. New members are welcome! If you feel called to this ministry, please stop by our meeting.
Prayer Rotation Please join the Daughters of the King in praying for each parishioner in rotation during 2020 by taking this notice home and by posting it where it will remind you pray to on a daily basis for the needs and blessing of:
Patrick and Jennifer Kearns (Caleb)Jason and Molly Kilmore (Connor, Reagan)
Kristin+ Krantz (Zachary, Jasper)
A member of the Daughters of the King will be contacting you this week for special prayer requests.
Next Week's Commemorations (A Great Cloud of Witnesses, 2020)
Feb 2 | The Presentation of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple |
Feb 3 | The Dorchester Chaplains: Lieutenant George Fox, Lieutenant Alexander D. Goode, Lieutenant Clark V. Poling and Lieutenant John P. Washington, 1943 |
Feb 4 | Anskar, Archbishop of Hamburg, Missionary to Denmark and Sweden, 865 |
Feb 5 | Roger Williams, 1683, and Anne Hutchinson, 1643, Prophetic Witnesses |
Feb 6 | The Martyrs of Japan, 1597 |
Feb 6 | Cornelius the Centurion |