Sabbatical Newsletter, Issue 2, May 10, 2022
A Sabbatical Prayer
Guide us, Lord, as we all journey through the months ahead together. Help us to walk trustingly in faith with our parish family and to serve one another humbly. May we always be aware of your presence and direction in all we do. Amen.
For this second issue of our Sabbatical Newsletter we’re focusing on sabbatical events and resources for the congregation. If you missed the first issue with general FAQs about sabbaticals click here or pick up a copy in the narthex at church.
As explained in Issue 1, the word sabbatical has its roots in the biblical concept of Sabbath (“to rest” or “to cease”). The Sabbath is sacred time, during which God’s people rest from labor — not only for the sake of rejuvenation, but for the sake of deepening our experience of God’s active presence in our lives.
With this in mind, and based off of our original plans when we submitted the Lilly grant application, here is an outline of how the Sabbatical Team is planning to bring the congregation together for fellowship and renewal this summer and fall:
- June 26 – Leave-taking Sunday ~ including a farewell liturgy for Kristin, Zachary, and Jasper and a catered brunch after the 9:30 am service. Sign up by June 23 here.
- July 29 – Pizza & game night ~ an all ages gathering to hang out and have fun together
- September 11 – Fall Kick-Off Sunday Cookout ~ reconnect after summer travels with a picnic and field games after the 10:30 am service
- October 9 – Return Sunday ~ Kristin’s first Sunday back with us, details coming soon
Resources & Activities
- A selection of books & other resources for members of all ages based on the theme of spirituality and sabbath
- Narthex bulletin board to showcase everyone’s summer “pilgrimages” (trips and vacations) through pins on maps and with an invitation to send postcards and pictures to the church to be displayed
- Working on the possibility of a speaker to come and present on the Holy Land
More information with details about all of this and more will continue to be shared in the weeks ahead, but we hope you will mark your calendars now! The next issue of our Sabbatical Newsletter will be out 5/24 – if you have any questions before then please be sure to reach out to a member of the Team.
In peace,
Dave Rak
Annie Horrigan
Joan Fader
Lynda Ellis
Lucy & Blix Winston