Buildings and Grounds
There’s lots to do on Church Work Day!
The closings and distancing of the last year made it very difficult to keep up with maintenance tasks at St. James’. We’ve missed one fall and two spring work days which means there’s lots of Building & Grounds jobs to complete to keep things in tip-top shape.
We need your help on
Saturday, August 28 from 9:00 am to Noon!
Daughters of the King
Daughters of the King – St. James’ Chapter
An Order for laywomen of the Episcopal Church
The words “Give us this day our daily bread” have been given to us by Jesus as a model for living (Matthew 6:11). Prayer is an important part of the commitment to be a Daughter of the King as we strive to implement our confirmation vows to pray, work and give for the spread of Christ’s Kingdom. We continue to pray for the needs of our parish family, friends and community. You may contact a member with a request at any time.
Karen Dulany, Joan Fader, Margaret Neff, Peg Pelch
Basket Raffle

Downtown Mt. Airy
Our 15th Annual Basket Raffle & Silent Auction will be held Saturday, September 25th–please mark your calendars!
This important fundraiser will take place during the Oktoberfest in downtown Mt. Airy. As in the past, the completed filled Baskets and Silent Auction items will be on display at St. James’ for two weeks before the Oktoberfest beginning September 12th. Tickets will be on sale at the Church during that time. Winning tickets will be drawn on Monday morning, September 27th at the Church.
Here’s how you can help
You may create and donate a completed basket using a theme of your choice OR bring new or like-new items from home to donate to our Brigade. Please place your donations in the marked BASKET RAFFLE DONATIONS containers in the Narthex.
To give you some idea of types of items we can use, please look below. The deadline for donations of basket contents is Sunday, August 8th. The deadline for the donation of filled baskets is Sunday, September 5th. If you have questions about baskets, want to donate a filled basket, or want to volunteer for the Basket Brigade in August and/or September, please call or email me (see below). Join the fun and make new friends!
Items for the Silent Auction are also being accepted now. These are items that would generate higher bids by themselves than as a part of a basket. Such items could include paintings, quilts, unopened perfume, fine jewelry or, high-value gift certificates, and the like. If you have questions about the Silent Auction, again, please contact me (see below).
Volunteer to be a part of the Basket Raffle committee to assist with the creation of the filled baskets—we’ll guide you! This year, more than ever, we need new helpers as some of members have retired from the committee. Please seriously consider volunteering a few hours a week in August and/or September to help with our creations.
Donate your time to help with publicity, flyer distribution, or soliciting donations and gift certificates from local businesses.
Event Volunteers will be needed to assist with ticket sales before and during the Basket Raffle & Auction, to assist with transporting baskets between St. James’ Church and downtown, setting up tents and tables, as well as, calling winners of Baskets and Silent Auction items. You will be able to sign up for times to assist in the above ways on at a later date.
Let’s make the 15th Annual St. James’ Basket Raffle & Silent Auction another huge success! Thank you in advance for your generosity of spirit and continued support.
Marilyn Hancock
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Sunday Worship Information
Attend Indoor In Person or watch the service livestreamed on Facebook
- Masks are required at this service
- We will begin increasing seating capacity by adding chairs and introducing rows on one side of the sanctuary while keeping pods of chairs separated on the other side for those who still desire social distancing
- You no longer need to sign up online for this service
We plan to begin streaming to Facebook at 8:30 am. If you arrive at Facebook and you don’t see the video, please refresh your screen. There is a delay. A printable bulletin is available here.
Join us this Sunday for Holy Eucharist with music
in the Memorial Garden at 10:30 am
- This is a mask-optional service
- If this service moves indoors due to inclement weather, it will be still be mask-optional except during singing – anyone who chooses to sing will be required to mask up for the hymns
- There is no sign up for attending the 10:30 am outdoor worship
Inclement Weather Announcements
This summer, our 10:30 service will be celebrated outdoors if the weather cooperates. If the weather looks threatening, the 10:30 service will be held indoors. when we decide to celebrate the 10:30 service indoors, we’ll post an announcement to our Facebook page by 8:00 am Sunday morning. (In the past we sent an email on Saturday afternoon. This new streamlined approach gets us out of the weather forecasting business – a little, anyways.)
Scouting for Food
Come out and support your community and Mount Airy Net (Mt. Airy Net) at the Mount Airy Camp Night this Saturday at Watkins Park. Scouts BSA Troop 829 – Mount Airy, MD will be running a food collection station from 3pm – 9pm.
Some items the Mount Airy Net is looking for are canned vegetables (any kind), canned soup (any kind), and mac and cheese.
Thank you in advance for supporting this important event, scouting, and our community.
Lectionary Readings for this Sunday:
Next Week’s Commemorations:
Prayer Rotation
Please join the Daughters of the King in praying for each parishioner in rotation during 2021 by taking this notice home and by posting it where it will remind you pray to on a daily basis for the needs and blessings of:
Cassie Sorna
Lisa Sorna (Amanda)
Steve and Rainey Stafford (Quinlan, Henry, William)
A member of the Daughters of the King will be contacting you this week for special prayer requests.