From the Rector
In Person & Online Worship ~ 2 Services Begin This Sunday
Beginning this Sunday we transition back to two services. We will gather at 8:30 am outside for Holy Eucharist in the Memorial Garden and field (more details on that below), and at 10:30 am we will gather on Zoom and livestream worship to Facebook as we have been doing.
If you are interested in attending outside worship please read the Covenant for Regathering at the bottom of this email. All attendees must abide by the provisions of the Covenant, including:
- wearing a mask
- maintaining physical distancing from those not in your household
- only attending when non-symptomatic for COVID-19 or any other transmittable disease
- abstaining from attending if doing so would put you at greater risk because of your own health status
To attend outside worship please plan to bring your own chairs or blanket. You will be asked to spread out in the field facing the building, keeping at least 8 feet between households – so consider hats or an umbrella for shade. While this will be a service with Holy Communion (wafers only), you are free to choose if you feel comfortable receiving the sacrament. There will be no coffee/social hour after worship.
While so far the forecast looks good for this Sunday, if outside worship needs to be cancelled due to inclement weather a decision will be made by 4:00 pm the day before when possible, and if it needs to be cancelled, an email will be sent out. In the case of unanticipated bad weather, including rain which would inhibit our ability to use sound amplification, an update will be posted to our Facebook page by 7:30 am the morning of.
Our 10:30 am Zoom/livestreamed service will continue in roughly the same way it has been, though Richard is working on some ways to change up the music a bit in the weeks to come – more on that soon!
I look forward to seeing folks both in person and online, continuing to trust that wherever and however two or three are gathered, God is with us.
Yours in God’s peace,
![]() COVENANT FOR REGATHERINGIn response to the current COVID-19 pandemic, I promise, with God’s help and to the best of my ability, to abide by the guidelines of the Diocese of Maryland for participation in the life of my congregation according to the regathering phase in which my congregation is authorized to carry out its mission and ministry. In fulfillment of the Baptismal Covenant (BCP p. 304-305), I will strive to: Love my neighbor as myself, I will…
Respect the dignity of every human being, I will…
Seek and serve Christ in all people…
Online Worship
Join us on the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost for the Liturgy of the Word at 10:30 am followed by Zoom Coffee Hour, or watch the service livestreamed on Facebook.
A printable bulletin is available here.
We will “open the doors” beginning at 10:15 am for folks to greet each other and say good morning. Kristin+ will give instructions at 10:25 am and we will begin recording and livestreaming the service promptly at 10:30 am. Don’t worry if you’re late – you can still attend via Zoom if you “get to church” at 10:40!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 817 1326 2051
Password: 358645
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,81713262051# US
Dial by your location +1 301 715 8592 US
Facebook Livestream
We plan to begin streaming to Facebook at 10:30 am. If you arrive at Facebook and you don’t see the video, please refresh your screen. There is a delay.
Virtual Compline
Virtual Compline services on Facebook are Monday and Wednesday at 8:30 pm. You do not need to have a Facebook account to “attend” – just click here to participate. While your at our Facebook page be sure to “follow” and turn on notifications so you will be alerted when we go live or post updated information. Compline order of service
On July 1st, Evan Gobien, a member of St. James’ Episcopal Church became ScoutsBSA Troop 829’s first Eagle Scout by completing a board of review that allowed him to reflect on his years involved in scouting, how it impacted him and how his leadership impacted others. As part of his journey to Eagle Scout, he completed a service project to clean out the Thrift Shop basement and build shelving for storage use. Congratulations, Evan!
Court of Honor
The Scouts of Boy Scout Troop 829 held their Court of Honor this past Saturday in the St. James’ parking lot, while ensuring that everyone was being safe, preventing the transmission of the Coronavirus. From the moment that the Coronavirus had caused Maryland to shut down, Troop 829 was hard at work, hosting virtual meetings on Zoom. Also, Troop 829 members were actively involved in attending virtual campfires and merit badge classes created by local troops . Because of Phase 2 of the Coronavirus easing restrictions, allowing a larger group of people to gather, The troop was able to meet up once again, and gather in person for a Court of Honor, celebrating all of their achievements they have gotten in the past few months. The troop earned 8 rank advancements, 44 merit badges and 6 special awards.
Due to the fact that the troop was determined to meet in person, the Court of Honor had gotten delayed multiple times due to the weather. However, this did not stop the troop from taking the chance to have the ceremony once the weather cleared. During the ceremony, they called up scouts individually, and announced what awards, certifications, rank advancements, and merit badges they were able to receive in online merit badge classes, and small, in person meetings. Everyone had a great time, and was able to safely congratulate their friends and family for what they had achieved over the past months.
Written by Connor Nanavaty
It has been one year (okay, 2 days short) that it was announced that St. James’ would be hosting a Boy Scout Troop. As part of early discussions between St. James’ and the Baltimore Area Council of ScoutsBSA, Bill Cunnane, Troop 829’s current Scoutmaster shared his vision that later on additional units could be started. We mentioned in the announcement that down the line there was a possibility we could host a Troop for girls (ages 11-17) and possibly a Cub Scout Pack (boys and girls ages K-5th grade).Starting within the next week or two ScoutsBSA Troop 829G will be formed. Jen Swift, currently an Assistant Scoutmaster in the Boy Troop will add the responsibility of Scoutmaster for Troop 829G.But wait, there’s more! Wesley Held, another Assistant Scoutmaster in the troop has agreed to lead a Lion’s Den (boys and girls going into Kindergarten) and start the beginnings of Pack 829. He will begin recruiting leaders and cub scouts soon.Interested in learning more or joining the fun?Application forms for both youth and adult leaders are available in the narthex. Also, contact Kristin+ to learn more and get connected to Bill, Jen or Wes.
Kristin+ Away
Kristin+ will be away from July6 through July 11. If you need pastoral assistance please contact our Senior Warden, Jeannie Pellicier.
Thursday Lunchtime Bible Study
Kristin+ will be away this week so Bible study will resume on July 16. Look for the Zoom information in The Shell Newsletter.
Vacation Bible School
If you missed the deadline for enrolling in Compassion Camp but still wish to participate please contact Kristin+.
Lectionary Readings for the Second Sunday after Pentecost:
Next Week’s Commemorations:
6 | Jan Hus, Prophetic Witness and Martyr, 1415 |
11 | Benedict of Nursia, Abbot of Monte Cassino, c. 540 |
Prayer Rotation Please join the Daughters of the King in praying for each parishioner in rotation during 2020 by taking this notice home and by posting it where it will remind you pray to on a daily basis for the needs and blessing of:
Joyce Beddow
William Brockway
Bobby and Sarah Brown (James, Ella)
A member of the Daughters of the King will be contacting you this week for special prayer requests.