This last week at home has proven to be an interesting experiment of both displaying and controlling my feelings. I am overjoyed that all my children are safe at home with me yet I am frustrated that they have questions about school issues I can’t answer. I am so excited about all the new ways we have to reach out to each other through ZOOM and Facebook but frustrated at my inability to figure out the technology at times. I wonder if any of you are feeling the same?
I had the pleasure of listening to Bishop Sutton on a Webinar this morning and found his words very comforting. To paraphrase his words “You may have a million things to do but feel you can’t get any of them done. Take it easy on yourselves.” Those words and the fact that the Diocese is reaching out to churches in so many ways is very comforting to me. The Diocese is working hard to answer questions from clergy and to keep communication open through weekly Webinars and ZOOM meetings.
I hope that we, as a Vestry, can give our congregation that level of comfort.
We are continuing to conduct our Vestry meeting through ZOOM to discuss the issues needed to keep our church running. One of these obviously, is financial. Below you will find the 3 ways you can continue to make your pledge (if it is feasible for you to do so). Our Vestry will also be in contact with each of you to ask about prayer requests or any help you might need and we have begun to compile a list of “helpers” to assist parishioners. Let’s keep each other in prayer at this difficult time and please let any Vestry member know if you need any support. See you on ZOOM!!
Jeannie Pellicier, Senior Warden
Options for Making Pledge or Plate donations while services are canceled
- Drop your donation in our secure mailbox in front of the church.
- Set up Bill Pay at your Bank. Currently 20% of St. James’ parishioners use Bill Pay for their pledge payment. Although we are not able to accept payments electronically, Banks will send a check directly to the church by mail at no charge to their customers. Need help or have questions about this process? Jane Barger and Deb Schaeffer are glad to receive calls or emails about how Bill Pay works or you can call your bank for specific information about their process.
- The Maryland Diocese has setup online giving through a giving portal. You can select our
church name, enter the amount, provide your payment information using their secure online payment system and the Diocese will send us a check on your behalf. See the Diocese information below:
At Home Worship/Formation
Virtual Worship
- Zoom Morning Prayer 3/29/2020 Join us for Zoom Morning Prayer at 9:30 am followed by Zoom Coffee Hour this Sunday!
Click on the link below or use the phone number if you just want to call in to join. Further details will be sent out in an email on Saturday.
Call In by Phone: 1.929.205.6099, Meeting ID: 639 781 862
- Virtual Compline services on Facebook are Monday through Friday at 8:30 pm. You do not need to have a Facebook account to “attend” – just click here to participate. While your at our Facebook page be sure to “follow” and turn on notifications so you will be alerted when we go live or post updated information. Compline order of service
For a complete listing of resources visit our At Home Worship/Formation page.
- Compline order of service
- Morning Prayer Rite II order of service
- “ChurchNext, a ministry of Forward Movement, has released a set of free courses, Prayer and Worship in Our Homes,” said the Rev. Chris Yaw, director of ChurchNext. “These courses will equip people for prayer and worship even if they cannot gather with others in person in their churches.”Prayer and Worship in Our Homes includes five classes:
- Everyday Spiritual Practices with Keith Anderson
- How to Pray with Christopher Martin
- Praying with Saints with Scott Gunn and Tim Schenck
- How to Pray Online with Karekin Yarian
- Praying the Anglican Rosary with Suzanne Edwards-Acton
This is a free offering, and people can sign up at The course can be taken by individuals at a time of their own choosing, or a church group could take the class together in a zoom-style online classroom. In that case, the leader guides the students through the classes, opens with prayer, watches the videos together, and then offers opportunities for discussion using the course discussion questions.
- Beyond ChurchNext online courses, Forward Movement has made morning prayer available in ways that support individual or family prayer. You can find the daily office (morning prayer, noonday prayer, evening prayer, or compline) at the Forward Movement Daily Prayer website. You can choose a variety of options to customize the prayers according to your preference. There is also a daily podcast, A Morning at the Office, with various people leading the prayers and reading the scripture lessons for the day.
- The popular daily devotion Forward Day by Day is posted each day online, and it too is available as a podcast.
- Help you family de-stress during coronavirus uncertainty
- Lectionary Readings for the Fifth Sunday in Lent: Ezekiel 37:1-14; Psalm 130; Romans 8:6-11; John 11:1-45
Next Week's Commemorations (A Great Cloud of Witnesses, 2020)
We hope this email finds you well and getting plenty of things accomplished around your house.
Unfortunately, we won’t be gathering together until well after Easter Day. Everyone has been collecting food for our Lenten Calendar which is greatly appreciated. Food collection normally ends the Saturday before Easter, the food is blessed on Easter Day, and then delivered to Mount Airy Net the following day. This year we will be doing things a little differently. Mount Airy Net was apprised of our Lenten food collection and asked if they could use the food now or later. Even though their shelves are pretty well stocked at this time, our donations would be appreciated now as things are changing daily.
The Outreach Committee is asking all parishioners to take their Lenten donations directly to Mount Airy Net as you continue your 40 day journey through Lent. The Net is open Monday-Thursday from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Inside the double doors to the lobby of Calvary Methodist Church (403 South Main St.) is a wooden cabinet where the items can be placed at any time. You may take them to the Net office when they are open. Right now they are especially in need of baby wipes and size 4 and 5 diapers.
Thank you for your understanding at this trying time and may God continue to hold us in His loving embrace.
Blessings, The Outreach Committee
Parish Administrator Hours for the week of March 29, as needed.
William and Karen Phillips
Cody and Erin Pond (Finn)
Gary and Betty Poole (Ben)
A member of the Daughters of the King will be contacting you this week for special prayer requests.