Sunday 3/22/2020 Worship & Coffee Hour Information

Dear St. James’ family,

Tomorrow we begin to live into the extended period of time before us where we will refrain from worshiping together in order to best love one another and our neighbors.  We will stay connected, stay the church, and take care of each other in these coming weeks, even if it looks and feels very different than we are used to.

Tomorrow I hope you will plan to join in on our Zoom Coffee Hour and live stream worship from the Cathedral of the Incarnation.  See below are details for both.  Additionally, click HERE to download a worship packet for kids for this Fourth Sunday in Lent.

Zoom Coffee Hour

We’re going to have a Zoom Coffee Hour at 10:00 am, so grab your morning beverage of choice and a comfy seat and get ready to chat!  This will be a chance to see and check in with each other, or at least hear each other if you prefer to call.  Here is the link to join Zoom Meeting or here is the number to call (1 929 205 6099).

If you are new to using Zoom, it’s a video conferencing platform.  You will need to follow prompts to allow your camera to be used.  Once in, you will see everyone else who has logged in in little video boxes and I’m sure it will be a joyful noise unto the Lord (or a cacophony!) as we figure out how to converse together in this new way.  My idea is that at about 10:05 I’ll offer a brief prayer and then we can take turns doing a brief check in with each other.  We’ll see how it works, learn from it, and go from there.

Live Stream Worship

For worship this week we will gather with everyone from around the Diocese in live streaming the 11:00 am service from the Cathedral of the Incarnation, which Bishop Sutton will be leading.  Click here for the link to that service.

If you follow this link you can download the service leaflet ahead of time and follow along.

I’m already missing being with all of you.  As I pray about the reality we are facing in the coming weeks I am giving God thanks for the depth of our community, and truly believe that we will come out of this on the other side an even more loving and faithful church.

Yours in God’s peace,


Stay connected.
Stay church.

Take care of each other.