Sunday 3/15 Worship

Dear St. James’ family,

I will miss worshiping with you tomorrow but hope that you will find spiritual refreshment through watching the live-stream of the service at the National Cathedral where Presiding Bishop Curry will be preaching. The service begins at 11:00 am – click here to tune in. You can also click here for additional at home prayer resources.

I know I’ve been sending daily emails for the last several days, and I expect we will continue to send more that usual as this is our best way to keep in touch with our community.  We are also using our Facebook page to share daily messages of uplift and resources for families and individuals, so please check it out. If you have questions or concerns please give me a call or send me an email.  You all remain in my prayers and I will be in touch next week with information for live-streaming worship on 3/22.

in peace,