From the Rector – Live Streaming Worship Begins this Sunday
There’s a lot going on right now in the world and in our church. We are taking seriously the CDC recommendations around healthy practices (wash your hands!) and the need for vulnerable populations (those over 60 or with compromised immune systems) to practice “social distancing” and staying away from large groups of people, including attending church. This may also be your personal preference at this time. Please read these two important updates if you haven’t already that spell out all of what we’re doing in response to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) at this time. March 11 Update and March 12 Update
In addition to links for at home prayer resources found on our website, beginning this Sunday we will live stream our 8:30 am service using Facebook Live. Whether or not you have a Facebook account, all you have to do is click HERE and then scroll down until you see the live feed of worship. If you enjoy sleeping in on Sundays, the live stream will be saved and available to watch like a video afterward.
As we face this pandemic together we are facing many changes – some temporary and some for the longer term. Practices such as “social distancing” and canceling events are meant to mitigate the transmission of the virus and to stave off overwhelming our hospitals, they won’t last forever. But I for one hope that good hand washing remains a core practice going forward, and I see this effort to provide an alternate way to invite people into our worship an exciting change.
Yours in God’s peace,
The season of Lent is here and the Outreach Committee has Lenten calendars and shopping lists available in the narthex for your family contributions which will be blessed on Easter morning then donated to Mt. Airy Net. The Youth Group decorated boxes to place the food and sundry items in, but you can also use your own box or bag. Donations need to be brought back to church by Palm Sunday on April 5th. Thank you from the Outreach Committee and our community!
As a reminder to our college students that we are always thinking of them, the Outreach Committee will be mailing Easter cards to them soon. Please keep our students in your daily prayers.
We would like to take this opportunity to, once again, thank all of our very generous parishioners for helping with St. James’ Outreach projects throughout the year. We hope you each had a chance to taste the beautiful “Thank You” cakes at coffee hour a couple of weeks ago. We really do appreciate each and every one of you!
We welcome any one of you to join us at our next meeting on Thursday, April 16th, at 6:30 p.m., in the church kitchen. Come to our planning meeting to see what we do!
YOUR Outreach Committee
Gabby Markham, Chairperson
Replenish & Establish (R&E) UPDATE
It was March 2018 – two years ago! – that St. James’ launched the 3-year Replenish & Establish Project to position St. James’ for a financially healthy and vital future. With a target of $185,000, our goal was to Replenish the Money Market Operating Reserve account and to Establish a new Money Market Capital Improvement Reserve account to save for future capital expenses not able to be paid for with general operating funds.
As of February 29, 2020, parishioners and friends of St. James’ donations total $144,694. Many donors have completed their one-time pledge – others who elected to make scheduled payments will complete their pledges during the next year, with all pledges competed by April/May of 2021. The help, support and generosity of the St. James’ congregation and our friends in the community enable our parish to maintain a stable financial foundation and to be good stewards of our beautiful building. THANK YOU!
Parish Administrator Hours for the week of March 15, Monday through Thursday 10-4.
Volunteers Needed St. James’ Thrift Shop needs volunteers on Monday, March 16th from 10am-12pm for their annual change over from Fall/Winter to Spring/Summer. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Prayer Rotation Please join the Daughters of the King in praying for each parishioner in rotation during 2020 by taking this notice home and by posting it where it will remind you pray to on a daily basis for the needs and blessing of:
Margaret Neff
Dave Oland
Tom and Julie Patterson (Conor, Jason, Caleb, Kaitlyn)
A member of the Daughters of the King will be contacting you this week for special prayer requests.