From the Rector – Giving Thanks and Saying Farewell
Last September we welcomed DOV Intern Tommy Turbyville, and time sure has flown because now it is time to say thank you and farewell. This Sunday you’re invited to festive coffee hours in his honor after both services, and then on his last Sunday, 1/19, we will conclude both services with a liturgy of farewell.
I hope you will join me in taking time to thank Tommy for his time with us. Though it has been short, he has fully engaged in the life of our community. Many of you have gotten to know him through his monthly preaching, serving with him as a reader or chalice bearer, or through his teaching about and leading the Daily Office. He has also gone on pastoral visits with me, attended Nursery Board and Vestry meetings, and worked with Outreach – in addition to several reflection meetings with his Parish Lay Committee.
His time with us as been a gift, as has the space you all have created for him to continue his discernment of ordained vocation in our midst. So thank you – to Tommy, and to everyone who has welcomed him so wholly – and come together these next two Sundays to celebrate and bless him as he continues his journey.
Yours in God’s peace,
Your Outreach Committee had a very busy holiday season beginning with the collection and delivery of groceries for five complete Thanksgiving meals to local families who were very appreciative.
Our Christmas Angel Tree project began with obtaining names of those in need from Carroll County Social Services (CCSS), creating the labeled paper angels, erecting and decorating the tree, sorting the donated gifts, record keeping, and ended with the delivery of the 140+ gifts to CCSS and Pleasant View Nursing Home. This all made for a wonderful holiday for many! Thank you, once again, to our very, very generous parishioners.
On behalf of St. James’ Church, the Outreach Committee also donated $500 to Mt. Airy Net in December as our bi-annual donation to their electricity/gasoline fund. Our donation is particularly appreciated at this time of year.
The Outreach Committee has not moved forward with plans for this ministry in the new year yet since we are still IN NEED OF A CHAIRPERSON to help guide our efforts. If you are interested in joining and/or helping to guide our group, please contact Kristin+ as soon as possible. We have so many ideas and hands to help fulfill them—all we need is a little guidance!
Marilyn Hancock, Member, Outreach Committee
Finance/Stewardship – Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!
We don’t say it enough, but thank you to everyone for making St. James’ the vibrant community it is. It takes all of us to make this community, and you have given in so many ways over the last year. We would like to offer special thanks to everyone who made our Christmas services so special, especially the flower guild, the altar guild, the choir and musicians, our pageant director and participants, and those who provided hospitality. Our Christmas Eve services were energetic and beautiful, and Lessons & Carols Sunday was intimate and joyful. Thank you also to everyone who made a year-end gift and donated for Christmas flowers and music. It’s through your generosity of spirit, time and financial giving that we were able to welcome nearly 400 people across all of our Christmastide services. Thank you!
Stewardship Update: As of January 6th we have received 62 pledges for a total of $183,215. Thank you to everyone who has made a commitment for 2020, and if you have not yet had a chance to pledge, please see Receiving Treasurer Aline Sautter.
Parish Administrator Hours for the week of January 12, Monday through Thursday 10-4.
Vacation Bible School – Summer 2020 If you are able to help with planning or staffing for The Abundant Life Garden Project to be held August 3-7 please give Kristin+ a call or email her as soon as possible. To learn more about this exciting curriculum offered by Episcopal Relief & Development click HERE.

Prayer Rotation Please join the Daughters of the King in praying for each parishioner in rotation during 2020 by taking this notice home and by posting it where it will remind you pray to on a daily basis for the needs and blessing of:
Marilyn Hancock, Ernie and Sharon Hansen, Mike and Christ Henyon (McKenna, Brenna, Kaley)A member of the Daughters of the King will be contacting you this week for special prayer requests.