From the Rector – Making VBS a reality this summer
Last summer lots of folks weighed in on what type of Vacation Bible School (VBS) they would like to see here at St. James’ – and the winner was a week long daytime camp. We have set aside the week of August 3-7, 2020 on the church calendar for VBS, and after reviewing several curricula, I have decided upon The Abundant Life Garden Project offered by Episcopal Relief & Development. It is an interactive, Scripture-based program that explores the themes of Water, Seeds, Soil, Animals, and Harvest. In learning to being thankful for the bounty that God has provided in Creation, children are encouraged to share with one another and those in need around the world.
In order to make our hopes of a VBS a reality this summer I need a commitment from 8-10 adults to form our planning team and to staff the week. I would also welcome Youth Helpers who have finished grades 7 or higher. If you are interested in supporting our children in this way please let me know by January 20th. I am hopeful that together we can create an enriching week of faithful fun this summer and I can’t wait to get our planning started!
Yours in God’s peace, Kristin+
SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS, Preschool through High School, 9:30 – 10:15 lower level
December was a busy month in Sunday School. Our students did a wonderful job making colorful sun catchers and sensory bottles for the residents of Pleasant View Nursing Home, Mt. Airy. The items were delivered to them the week of Christmas along with cards and greetings made by the students. We give thanks for all the children and their families, together with the teens, who helped and participated in our Christmas pageant during the 4:30 p.m. service.
Exciting news in 2020….. Our very own Yvette Allen will travel to E. Africa in February with Mary Anne Smith and her daughter Molly, the local A is for Africa representatives. Yvette will accompany them on their annual visit to Matim Primary School to deliver 150+ school supplies and personal hygiene items. And guess what?…..the students want to learn “This Little Light of Mine” in English! Our St. James’ Sunday School students and families have supported A is for Africa for many years through our Lenten mite box outreach offering. Yvette feels blessed (and a little nervous and anxious about the trip) to be assisting in this adventure. Please encourage and pray for Yvette’s upcoming trip. Stayed tuned for more information to follow in next month’s news. Happy New Year and continue to let your light shine!
St. James’ Sunday School Team
Yvette Allen, Bible Stories for Preschoolers
Betsy Davis, Kindergarten – 2nd Grades
Natalie DelRegno – 3rd – 5th Grades
Joan Fader – Middle – High Grades
Nancy Nanavaty – 4th Sunday Fun activities
Mara Snyder – Children’s music
Read the Bible in a Year Is this the year you’d like to add more scripture reading to your life? Pick up a copy of the 2020 5 Day Bible Reading Program in the narthex (or email Kristin+ to receive it via email), and by reading just 5 days every week you’ll make it through the entire Bible in a year.
How2charist – A Digital Instructed Eucharist
Bread+wine:blessed. God: present What’s the meaning behind our words+rituals?
How2charist illuminates the liturgy’s beauty+spirit.
Join Kristin+ to explore Anglican/Episcopal worship – why we do what we do, what all the “things” are called, the symbolism and theology expressed, and what it all means. Whether you’re new to the Episcopal church or a lifelong member, this program will deepen and enrich your experience of worship. Watch an introduction to the program below.
Winter Book Group Nadia Bolz-Weber’s Accidental Saints: Finding God in All the Wrong People is our winter book group selection. Pick up a copy today and be on the lookout soon to sign up for discussion gathering dates in March.
Youth Group
Youth Group met in December to reflection the WAY OF LOVE practice PRAY,
which included prayer MAD LIBS and lots of goofiness. Our fellowship activity of the month was making Christmas cookies. Thank you to the DelRegnos for hosting us. Our next meeting is January 12 and the theme will be WORSHIP.
Any youth (or adults) in the parish who are interested in going on a summer service trip to St. Timothy’s Outreach Center in Kentucky with folks from St. Andrew’s, Glenwood should contact Rev. Kristin ASAP. The dates for the trip are July 19-25, 2020.
Registration for the Martin Luther King Jr. Lock-In and the Happening high school retreat are now open! Click the here and scroll down for full details and to get signed up. Registration for summer camps at Claggett is also now open, so check those out here.
– Kara, Bobby, Annie, Vic, Kristin+
Parish Administrator Hours for the week of January 5, Monday through Thursday 10-4.
This year we’re changing things up a bit on Annual Meeting Sunday. The Annual Meeting is the one time a year the whole congregation gathers to do the “business” of our community. We look back on the year that has been, review our budget for the coming year, and look ahead to the vision for the year to come. For several years we have tried to squish the meeting between services to varying degrees of success. This year we will have a combined worship service from 9:30-10:30 followed by the Annual Meeting including a brunch from 10:30-Noon. There will be a pot luck style brunch and children’s program during the meeting time. Please sign up in the narthex and let us know what you are bringing.
In addition to the usual business agenda Kristin+ will be teaching a College for Congregational Development Ministry Model and inviting everyone present to take a survey that will help the Vestry continue their work of renewal and revitalization through understanding St. James’ core identity. Please mark your calendars and plan to be a part of this essential work of our community.
Prayer Rotation Please join the Daughters of the King in praying for each parishioner in rotation during 2020 by taking this notice home and by posting it where it will remind you pray to on a daily basis for the needs and blessing of:
Lida Gordon, Sam and Jennifer Grimes (Elliot, Charlotte, Benjamin), Kenneth and Kathryn GrumbachA member of the Daughters of the King will be contacting you this week for special prayer requests.
This Week's Commemorations (A Great Cloud of Witnesses, 2020, Church Publishing Group)
Jan 6 | The Epiphany of Our Lord Jesus Christ |
Jan 8 | Harriet Bedell, Deaconess and Missionary, 1969 |
Jan 9 | Julia Chester Emery, Missionary, 1922 |
Jan 10 | William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1645 |