The Shell Newsletter – September 19, 2019

From the Rector – Hildegard of Bingen – Spiritual Guide for the Age

Tuesday was the feast day of Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179).  Benedictine nun, visionary, mystic, poet, musician, and naturalist – she was one of the most extraordinary figures of the Middle Ages.  At the age of sixty she undertook four preaching tours through the German empire, a venture almost unheard of for a woman, and she was consulted not only by her religious contemporaries, but by kings and emperors.

Hildegard is largely remembered for her apocalyptic and visionary writings (often compared to Dante and Blake), but was a wide-ranging thinker who spoke to many of the issues that concern us today:  the relationship between human beings and the natural world, mutuality between men and women, and the importance of a holistic approach to life. 

She was also a prolific composer, and her music is just as stirring today as it must have been for those of her day.  Listen to one piece below or search Google and you can hear many recordings.


Yet as important and her writings and compositions were, it was the way she showed us what it means to follow Jesus that really stand out.  Click here  to read a story about how she stood up for mercy and grace in the face of exclusion and division.

Hildegard truly was both a woman for all seasons and a spiritual guide for the ages.  I hope this teaser about her life inspires you to learn more about her!

Yours in God’s peace,  Kristin+

Nursery School

Nursery School

The new school year is off to a wonderful start at the St. James’ Nursery School! Over the summer staff members, including several new wonderful staff additions, worked very hard to prepare for the children’s return. Classrooms were bright and exciting to greet the children and the parking lot had new crosswalks and a speedbump added for everyone’s enhanced safety. A special thank you goes out to the Drenner family and D.A. Drenner Concrete for donating and installing the speed bumps.

2019 Nursery School StaffSpeed Bump







There were many back-to-school events including meet-and-greets, visits to classrooms, and parent night. The children have already had their first visit from the library bookmobile and first Chapel Time with Rev. Kristin and are looking forward to their first field trips and yoga classes soon. Also be on the lookout for the fall fundraiser through Charleston Wrap – this is a great way to support the Nursery School fund activities like yoga.

Chapel Time with Rev. Kristin







The Nursery School again achieved a Maryland EXCELS Quality Rating Level 5 and was published on the Maryland EXCELS website and Quality Finder mobile app! Looking forward to October, the Nursery School will be visited by a National Association of Educations of Young Children (NAEYC) evaluator to continue the NAEYC reaccreditation process that was begun last year. Please keep the school in your prayer’s during this process.

Maryland Excels Quality Rating 5

Altar Flower Ministry/Memorial Garden

There are only 9 more opportunities this year to give flowers for the Sunday altar.  We ask that you complete an Altar Flower Donation Form (also in the narthex) and drop it in the offering plate at least two weeks prior to your chosen Sunday. Flowers may be given in thanksgiving for, honor of, memory of, or celebration of someone or something.  All donations are tax deductible and will be acknowledged in the corresponding Sunday bulletin.

Fountain GardenWe are in need of a sponsor for our Fall Fountain Garden.
Please contact Ashley Conlon if you are interested.



Parish Administrator Hours for the week of Sept. 22, Monday through Thursday 10-4.

Thrift Shop  This weekend brings one of our biggest fundraisers and the Mt. Airy Yard Sale.  Unfortunately, all the no sells and leftovers from the yard sale get dumped at the thrift shop creating an obstacle course at the door and days of sorting through that stuff along with the normal amount of donations.  Would some of you mind coming in on Monday, September 23 to help?  Even a couple of hours would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you!

Outreach  Parents, don’t forget to give your college child’s address to Laura so they can receive a goodie box!  We will finish up the collections on October 13.  The boxes will be packaged and then blessed on October 20.  If anyone is available to help package the goodies during the week of October 14, please let someone from outreach know.  Thank you!

Basket Raffle and Silent Auction  Event Volunteers are needed to assist with ticket sales before and during the Basket Raffle & Auction, to assist with transporting baskets between St. James’ Church and the carnival grounds or downtown, setting up tents and tables, as well as, calling winners of Baskets and Silent Auction items. Contact Betsy Davis by email at  You can also sign up by following the link below: Church Directory Update It’s time for another update.  Please take a look at the binder in the narthex and be sure your information is correct.  If you are not in the directory but would like to be, please complete a household information form and leave it in the office. Zoom Lunchtime Bible Study

Prayer Rotation Please join the Daughters of the King in praying for each parishioner in rotation during 2018 by taking this notice home and by posting it where it will remind you pray to on a daily basis for the needs and blessings of:
Linda Bonifant-Travers and John Travers
Thomas and Beverly Williams
Trudy Williford
A member of the Daughters of the King will be contacting  you this week for special prayer requests.

This week's Commermorations (A Great Cloud of Witnesses, 2019, Church Publishing Group)

Novmeber 3Richard Hooker, Priest, 1600
November 6William Temple, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1944
November 7Willibrord, Archbishop of Utrecht, Missionary to Frisia, 739