From the Rector – The Basket Raffle is Here!
This Sunday we kick off our biggest FUNdraiser of the year with the 13th annual Basket Raffle and Silent Auction. Tickets will be on sale after both services and the bidding sheets will be out and ready. There are over 60 themed baskets you can take a chance on, as well as something new and exciting this year – cash and carry baskets you can purchase on the spot. As always, nearly every basket includes a fabulous gift card to a local business. Baskets and silent auction items will be available for viewing and bidding on 9/15, 9/22, and 9/29. Winning tickets will be drawn on 9/30.
But to make this a truly successful fundraiser, we need your help when we take the baskets to two upcoming community events – the Lion’s Club Fall Yard Sale at the Carnival Grounds (9/21) and Oktoberfest on Main Street (9/28).
Sign up below to volunteer to set up, sell tickets, or take down for these events. Whether you can help out at one or both, it takes the full effort of our whole community to make this fundraiser happen – so SIGN UP TODAY!

Thank you to everyone who has worked so hard to get us to this point, and thank you to everyone who will help get us to the finish line. Let’s make this the most successful Basket Raffle to date!
Yours in God’s peace,

A HUGE thank you to all those who came to help transition the shop from summer to winter! We couldn’t do it without you!
Parish Administrator Hours for the week of Sept. 15, Monday through Thursday 10-4. Church Directory Update It’s time for another update. Please take a look at the binder in the narthex and be sure your information is correct. If you are not in the directory but would like to be, please complete a household information form and leave it in the office.
Your Old Vintage Christmas Jewelry There have been several requests for our Joan Collins to craft another beautiful Christmas Tree like the one she did last year which was covered in vintage jewelry. Pins, earrings and pendants work perfectly. We will collect items until we have enough.