Rector – Calling All Youth
It’s that time of year again where we are ready to kick off Youth Group at St. James’! Anyone in grades 6-12 interested in youth programs, meetings, fellowship outings, and retreats…this is for you!
Join us on Saturday, September 8th from 5:30-8:00 for a pool party with dinner and swimming. As we catch up with each other after busy summers, we will review important dates and this year’s goals. Parents this meeting is for you too – we will be sharing important information.
Please contact me or Meghan McKeever for details. We’re looking forward to an incredible year!
Yours in God’s peace,
Thrift Shop
August is almost over and September is just around the corner. The kiddies will be off to school before you know it. The shop is full of back-to-school items such as binders, spiral notebooks, calculators, pens, pencils, book bags, pencil cases, book covers, etc… Come in and check out the savings.
Our next big sale will be August 29th – Wacky Wednesday, spin the wheel of savings. With every purchase you get one free spin to win a percentage off your total purchase or a free item or a star on your savings card. The shop also has back-to-school wear for kids of all ages as well as light jackets and hoodies.
People always ask me why I love the Thrift Shop so much and one of the many reasons is its gentleness on the environment. Something that might have ended up in the landfill, refusing to biodegrade and wreaking general long-term havoc, can now have a second chance at a life in your closet, on your wall, or in your kitchen. Every time you purchase something used it means one less new product is produced. This is important because no matter the material, the production of clothing is costly to the environment.
So help save the planet and come buy at the Thrift Shop!!
Sandy Baker
Saint James Thrift Shop Manager
2018 St. James’ Basket Raffle & Silent Auction
The Basket Raffle committee has been fortunate to obtain permission to display and raffle a representation of our theme filled baskets at the Thrift Shop during the Octoberfest to be held in downtown Mt. Airy on September 29th, two weeks before our big annual raffle at the Lions’ Club Fall Fest on October 13th—two great opportunities for our fundraising!
This will mean we will need a group of helpers for each event.
Event Volunteers will be needed to assist with ticket sales before and during the Basket Raffle & Auction, to assist with transporting baskets for each event between St. James’ Church and the Thrift Shop then the Carnival Grounds the day before the raffles, setting up tents and tables, as well as, calling winners of Baskets and Silent Auction items. Please contact Betsy Davis by email at if you have questions or you can sign up for times to assist on at a later date.
Items for the Silent Auction are still being accepted. These are items that would generate higher bids by themselves than as a part of a basket. Such items could include paintings, quilts, unopened perfume, fine jewelry or, high-value gift certificates, and the like. If you have questions about the Silent Auction, please contact Mary Hutchins-Danna at 443-277-0505 or at
Let’s make the St. James’ Basket Raffle & Silent Auction a huge success. Thank you in advance for your generosity of spirit and continued support.
Your Basket Raffle & Auction Committee Co-chairs:
Ave Smith (
Marilyn Hancock ( /301-788-0136)
Office Hours Week of August 26
Monday – Thursday 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Don’t forget to complete your October Doodle Poll here.
Where in the Church is Flat St. James?
How are you coming on completing your passport? Don’t forget to get your stamp from Kristin+.

SAVE THE DATE! Appalachia Service Trip Slide Show & Presentation
Please join us on Sunday, September 16 after the 10:30 service to hear about our recent trip to Kentucky, the people we met, and the work we did there.
Prayer Rotation
Please join the Daughters of the King in praying for each parishioner in rotation during 2018 by taking this notice home and by posting it where it will remind you to pray on a daily basis for the needs and blessings of:
George and Jaclyn Flanagan (Colin, Brady)
Andrew and Diana Gobien (Evan, Erik)
Lida Gordon
A member of the Daughters of the King will be contacting you this week for special prayer requests.