The Shell Newsletter – August 9, 2018

Rector – I Need to Breathe Deeply

Enjoy this poem, I Need to Breathe Deeply, by Ted Loder, while I’m away for my last bit of summer vacation.

Yours in God’s peace,


Eternal Friend,
grant me an ease to breathe deeply of this moment,
this light,
this miracle of now.
Beneath the din and fury of great movements
and harsh news and urgent crises,
make me attentive still to good news,
to small occasions,
and the grace of what is possible for me to be,
to do,
to give,
to receive,
that I may miss neither my neighbor’s gift
nor my enemy’s need.

Precious Lord,
grant me a sense of humor that adds perspective to compassion,
gratitude that adds persistence to courage,
quietness of spirit that adds irrepressibility to hope,
openness of mind that adds surprise to joy;
that with gladness of heart
I may link arm and aim
with the One who saw signs of your kingdom
in salt and yeast,
pearls and seeds,
travelers and tax collectors,
sowers and harlots,
foreigners and fishermen,
and open my eyes with these signs
and my ears with the summons
to follow to something more of justice and joy.


Care Packages for College Kids

It’s hard to believe that in four weeks kids will be going back to school and many of our college kids will return to classes in two weeks!  Fall is fast approaching.  The Outreach Committee is once again asking for your assistance in providing snacks/goodies to be sent to our St. James’ college students.  We will start collecting on September 9 with expected delivery to the kids by the first week in October.  Parents, please provide your child’s address to Laura as soon as you know it.  The things we will be collecting are granola bars, hot chocolate, crackers, cookies, fruit snacks, hand sanitizer, tissues, disposable razors, tea, coffee, microwaveable popcorn, and pop tarts.  Thank you again for your support!

Blessings, The Outreach Committee

Daughters of the King

Daughters of the King
St. James’ Chapter

 An Order for laywomen of the Episcopal Church
who undertake a Rule of Prayer and Rule of Service
by reaffirmation of promises made at Confirmation.


It is with great sadness that parish member Rebecca Herbert, our newest Daughter of the King, passed away suddenly on July 22nd.  Rebecca was faithful in her prayer life and caring about others.  Over the years, you probably were a recipient of one of the many cards she sent to parishioners.  The following prayer is for Rebecca:

Heavenly Father, we bless you for all those who have departed this life in your faith and fear, especially your Daughter, our sister, Rebecca Ann, who worked to fulfill your will on earth through prayer and service in the Order of the Daughters of the King.  May her faith and example inspire others to greater and more faithful labor for you.  Grant the light of your presence and the glory of the life beyond to be her great and everlasting reward.  Amen.

Karen Dulany, Joan Fader, Margaret Neff



Pastoral Coverage
Kristin+ will be away on vacation from August 6 through august 13 and will be unable to respond to emails and text messages.  If you require routine assistance please call the church office at 301-829-0325.  For pastoral emergencies please contact our Senior Warden, Cheri McClanahan.

Office Hours Week of August 12 
Monday – Thursday 11:00 am to 4:00 pm

Where in the Church is Flat St. James?
How are you coming on completing your passport?  Don’t forget to get your stamp from Kristin+.

Sunday School Begins September 16th!
We are now gearing up for our fall Sunday School program and looking forward to seeing how much our children have grown over the summer.  Classes are held every Sunday from 9:30-10:15 a.m. beginning September 16th in the lower level for preschool through high school ages.  We welcome all children.

At this time we would also welcome additional volunteers to assist our teaching staff (and get to know our amazing kids!)  Please contact Joan Fader for further information.

2018 St. James’ Basket Raffle & Silent Auction

Our 12th Annual Basket Raffle & Silent Auction will be held Saturday, October 13th–mark your calendars! This important fundraiser takes place during the Mt. Airy Fall Fest at the Firemen’s Carnival Grounds at the intersection of Twin Arch Rd. and Rte. 27. As in the past, the completed Baskets and Silent Auction items will be on display at St. James’ for two weeks before the Fall Fest beginning September 29th. Tickets will be on sale at the Church during that time. Winning tickets will be drawn on Monday morning, October 15th at the Church.

Here’s how you can help:

Volunteer to be a part of the Basket Raffle committee to assist with publicity, flyer distribution, soliciting donations and gift certificates from local businesses, or make/donate a completed basket using a theme of your choice or bring new or like new items from home to donate. Place your donations in the marked BASKET RAFFLE DONATIONS containers in the Narthex. Committee members and volunteers will design and create themed baskets during August and early September. This year, we are fortunate to have some baskets on hand ready to be filled with donated items, but can always use additional medium to large baskets. To give you some idea of types of items we can use look on the reverse side of this notice. The deadline for donations of basket contents has passed. The deadline for donation of finished baskets is Sunday, September 23rd. If you have questions about baskets, want to donate a finished basket, or want to volunteer for the Basket Brigade (August/September) call or email Joan Fader at 301-703-8787 or at Join the fun and make new friends!

Items for the Silent Auction are still being accepted. These are items that would generate higher bids by themselves than as a part of a basket. Such items could include paintings, quilts, unopened perfume, fine jewelry or, high-value gift certificates, and the like. If you have questions about the Silent Auction, please contact Mary Hutchins-Danna at 443-277-0505 or at

Event Volunteers are needed to assist with ticket sales before and during the Basket Raffle & Auction, to assist with transporting baskets between St. James’ Church and the carnival  grounds, setting up tents and tables, as well as, calling winners of Baskets and Silent Auction items.  Contact Betsy Davis by email at if you have questions, or you can sign up for times to assist on at a later date.

Let’s make the St. James’ Basket Raffle & Silent Auction a huge success. Thank you in advance for your generosity of spirit and continued support.

Your Basket Raffle & Auction Committee Co-chairs:
Ave Smith (
Marilyn Hancock ( /301-788-0136)

Also needed:
Colorful wire-edged ribbon for all occasions
Double-sided clear “scotch” tape
Shiny clear “scotch” tape
Colored tissue paper


Prayer Rotation
Please join the Daughters of the King in praying for each parishioner in rotation during 2018 by taking this notice home and by posting it where it will remind you to pray on a daily basis for the needs and blessings of:

Bryant and Karen Dulany
James Dunbar and Kingsley Edwards
David and Brittany Echeverria (Kellen, Daxton, Rowan)

A member of the Daughters of the King will be contacting you this week for special prayer requests.