The Shell Newsletter – March 29, 2018

From the Rector – It Begins With a Meal

Today we enter the holiest days of the Christian year – the Triduum – the three great days that follow Jesus’ final footsteps.

~ Maundy Thursday, the last gathering with beloved friends.
~ Good Friday, the day Christ died.
~ Holy Saturday, when all the world waits in silence.

Christians have been making this journey of remembrance for centuries.  I hope you will be a part of our remembering here at St. James’ this year.  It begins tonight with a simple soup supper, with the service following.

So many stories about Jesus begin with a meal – all the eucharists with a little “e” that led to the night the Eucharist was instituted.  And so today, as we begin again with a meal, I offer you this poem – Perhaps the World Ends Here by Joy Harjo

Yours in God’s peace,


The Environmental Stewardship Committee will sponsor the third in our community lecture series, “Understanding Our Environmental Legacy”. Environmental professionals and volunteers will speak on a variety of subjects including composting, biodiversity, bugs, and climate change every Wednesday evening in April.

“Give us a reverence for the earth as your own creation, that we may use its resources rightly in the service of others and to your honor and glory”  ~From the Book of Common Prayer

Thrift Shop

Well Spring came in with a big bang. Our shop is now switched over to Spring and Summer, Easter decorates the windows and business has picked up.

March 15th was Thrifty Thursday and we had almost a 100 customers. What a busy busy day.

Wacky Wednesday will be the last Wednesday of the month. When you come to the register to check out you have one chance to spin the wheel. You can win 2-5 stamps on your customer appreciation card, money off your purchase, free items and more. So come see us on March 28th for your chance to win. As always Thrifty Thursday’s are the 3rd Thursday of the month. Fifty percent off the entire store (excludes new tagged clothing and fine jewelry)

I would like to send out a special thank you to all of our employees and volunteers. The store is so organized and clean. Compliments come daily. So everyone please stop bye and say hi!

Thrift with Purpose

Sandy – Saint James Thrift Shop Manager


Memorial Services
Long-time parishioner Jeanne Hammond will be interred at Arlington National Cemetery on Thursday, April 12 at 3:00 pm.  If you are interested in attending please call or email the church office for details.

A service for Matt Braman, husband of Rev. Bill Doggett, will take place on Thursday, April 12 at 3:00 pm at Christ Church on Capitol Hill.

Easter Egg Hunt!
Join us between services on Easter Day for an Easter Egg Hunt!  Weather permitting it will be outside in the Memorial Garden.  All children will be given a bag to fill and bubbles once it’s full.  We are asking folks to bring in filled plastic eggs for the hunt – not necessarily  with candy (indeed, that’s preferable!).  Stickers, erasers, seashells, charms, and printed scripture verses are all possible ideas.  Feel free to be creative!

A is for Africa Mite Box Ingathering on Easter Day
A reminder to everyone to bring back your Lenten mite boxes on Easter Day!  There will be a basket in front of the altar and during the Offertory you will be invited to bring forward you box.  Thank you to everyone for your continued support of A is for Africa!



Prayer Rotation
Please join the Daughters of the King in praying for each parishioner in rotation during 2018 by taking this notice home and by posting it where it will remind you to pray on a daily basis for the needs and blessings of:

Charles and Susan Riel
Dan and Joann Rockwell
Christopher and Kara Rosenker (Vivienne)

A member of the Daughters of the King will be contacting you this week for special prayer requests.