From the Rector – The Journey Continues
Last Sunday we heard the last two of our stewardship reflections on generosity. I was blown away again by the power of people sharing their stories with bold vulnerability. Thank you Jane Barger and Alan Nanavaty.
This Sunday we will celebrate All Saints’ Day, giving thanks for all who have come before us in faith. We will remember those whom we love but see no longer with a Litany of Remembrance. We will baptize James Patrick Brown into this family of families we call the church. We will also gather together our pledges to support the mission and ministry of St. James’ in the coming year.
This pledge ingathering will look a little different this year. We are asking everyone to place their pledges in the offering plates when they are passed. Once they are gathered together, we will pray over these commitments to our common life when they are brought to the altar.
As with any journey, it is most often the journey itself – more than the final destination – that matters the most. That is because there are numerous wayside stops along the way that are destinations in their own right. And so while our Journey to Generosity will continue as we live out God’s call to live generous lives, this Sunday we will wrap up our stewardship campaign.
To mark this, you are invited to take a brick sticker from the table next to our Journey to Generosity poster and affix it to show your decision to join this journey in this community. If you are unable to join us this Sunday, you can bring your pledge another Sunday or mail it to the church – and the bricks will remain out for people to add as they pledge. Extra stewardship packets and pledge cards will be available in the narthex and can be found on our website ( See you Sunday!
Yours in God’s peace,
Classes in Lower Level every Sunday
Preschool through high school
9:30 – 10:15 a.m.
We are delighted each Sunday to hear the younger children sing out with joy during the 9:30 opening prayer time. Did you know that Mr. Jon wrote the music for Marching Down that Road to Glory”!
During the recent “4th Sunday Fun” group activity, our Sunday School students were busy making fall decorations as an outreach project. The residents of Pleasant View Nursing Home were the recipients of 25 handmade treats by our Sunday School students for the residents to decorate their rooms for fall. Great job, kids!
With our stewardship theme focusing on generosity, how blessed we are to have your children in our Sunday School program, and the generosity of our volunteer teachers and helpers. If you have never given your time and talent to this rewarding ministry, we hope you will consider doing so (and so very generous of you!). At this time we would welcome volunteers to read Bible stories to our preschool class (on a rotating schedule every few weeks), as well as volunteers to assist Karen in our 2nd-5th grade class. Can you share your generosity? Contact Joan Fader
We give thanks for our amazing Sunday School students
Bible Stories for Preschoolers: Yvette Allen
Kindergarten-2nd Grades: Betsy Davis, Jessica Bahorich
3rd – 5th Grades: Karen Phillips
6th – 12th Grades: Joan Fader
Group Activities: Nancy Nanavaty
Children’s Music: Jon Fader
Youth Group
What a great start the Youth Group is off to! We have enjoyed getting to know one another at our monthly meetings and fourth Sunday fun! Coming up, our very own St. James’ will be hosting Bishop’s Unplugged. A revamp of Bishop’s Bash, youth from western MD will join in fellowship with the bishops, music, and bible study. Open to middle and high school youth from 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm at a cost of $5.
Registration is now open for the Province III retreat in January. Middle and high school students will gather with our provincial youth to attend the Ocean City Youth Rally. This is a new retreat you do not want to miss. Live music, workshops, small groups, and the boardwalk!
We will continue to have our monthly meetings on the second Sunday of each month from 6:00 – 7:30. We will gather for fellowship on the fourth Sunday of each month for a fun outing together. Brochures containing details to the Diocesan events are available in the narthex. If you have a youth, or know a youth, encourage them to join! It is going to be a year full of community and adventure. For more information please email
Fall Parish Workday
Saturday , November 4, 2017 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. Join us to clean up the grounds around the church in preparation for winter. Contact Jim Bullington if you have questions.
Baptism this Sunday!
This Sunday we will welcome James Patrick Brown into the family of families we call the church! Please keep James and his family and Godparents in prayer this week.
Vestry Nominations
The Vestry Nominating Committee is excited to announce they are accepting nominations for the 2018-2021 Vestry Class. A nominating form is available in the narthex which details ideal qualities for candidates as well as Vestry member responsibilities. Outgoing members Jim Bullington, Carla Kaufman, Tim McClanahan, and Blix Winston are also available if you are interested and have questions. You can submit your name or the name or someone you think would be a candidate in the box in the narthex.
Thanksgiving Donations
This year the Outreach Committee is asking for holiday type food donations (potatoes, rolls, fruit, stuffing) for Mt. Airy Net. Mt. Airy Net will take our donations and make dinners for families in our community. We would love to see as many fresh donations as possible. (A bag of potatoes rather than canned) Please see the poster in the narthex for more information or ask Patty Bullington or Jeannie Pellicier. Please bring your donations to the church by Sunday, November 19th. A box will be nearby if you would like to make a monetary donation for a turkey. Thank you!!
Happenings Around St. James’
St. James’ is a busy place throughout the week, something most people don’t get to see. In addition to daily classes in our Nursery School, we have AA & NA groups that meet several nights a week, as well as other outside groups from time to time. Then of course, there are the times when projects happen to keep our building and campus in good repair. Here are a few things that happened in October!

Prayer Rotation
Please join the Daughters of the King in praying for each parishioner in rotation during 2017 by taking this notice home and by posting it where it will remind you to pray on a daily basis for the needs and blessings of:
Thomas and Coleen Davis Cory and Natalie DelRegno Tyler, Kyle Leslie Dickinson and Peter Sabonis Jacob |
A member of the Daughters of the King will be contacting you this week for special prayer requests.