Celebrating 10 Years on North Main Street

This Sunday, as we kick off another program year, we will also be celebrating that 10 years ago St. James’ made the move into this “new” building on North Main Street.  In honor of this anniversary we are asking everyone to bring 10 items for the Mt. Airy NET Food Pantry.  And to mark a decade in this building that was the culmination of dreams and planning and sweat and tears (both of frustration and joy!), we will conclude our services with a blessing before we are dismissed to go in peace to love and serve God and neighbor.

As you know, I love any occasion where we can bless and fling holy water – and we will be doing so on Sunday.  I feel certain that some of it will land on the walls and floor of our amazing building.  But most of it will be directed at you – because the church is ultimately and most essentially the people, not the structure that houses them.  And so while we will indeed be celebrating 10 years of ministry here on North Main Street – we will be blessing and sending forth all of us – the body of Christ – to be Christ’s hands and heart in this world.  I look forward to sharing in this blessing and dedication of ourselves in service with all of you.  See you Sunday!

Yours in God’s peace,