Go and Do Likewise

Greetings from high school camp week at Claggett!  As many of you know, church camp has a special place in my heart which is why I am so thankful the leadership at St. James’ supports my serving as chaplain for a week each summer.

This year’s theme is Go and Do Likewise, and throughout the week we’re exploring how it is we live out the Great Commandment to love God and love neighbor.  We’re reflecting on lots of stories from scripture:  the good Samaritan, the mandate from Micah for what the Lord requires, Matthew 25 and the least of these, the parable of the prodigal, and even our Baptismal Covenant.  Our themes include faith and action, justice and mercy, compassion and reconciliation, and evangelism and teaching.  Conversations are rich and I continue to be impressed by how thoughtful and faithful these teenagers are.

Please continue to hold the summer camp staff in prayer, and all the youth and children whose lives will be transformed this summer through the power of Christian community at camp.

Yours in God’s peace,