The Hard Questions

Our Easter adult formation series this year will be a series called The Hard Questions: Parenting with Doubt, Faithfulness, and Wonder.  It’s a program I created a few years ago because parents were always asking me how to answer their kids’ hard questions.  Throughout the five weeks, the course is designed to create a space to engage in those hard questions, and learn a little about children and spirituality.  I hope you’ll join us beginning Sunday, April 30 – and invite friends for whom this would be helpful too!

We will meet 11:45-12:45 in the sanctuary
Childcare provided

April 30            The First Hard Question:  What happens when people die?
May 7                The Second Hard Question:  When I take communion am I *really* drinking Jesus’ blood?  THIS SESSION WILL BE AT 9:45 AM
May 14             The Third Hard Question:  What does God look like?
May 21               no meeting
May 28               no meeting
June 4                The Fourth Hard Question:  Why did Grandma get cancer?
June 11             The Fifth Hard Question:  Why was Jesus killed?

Yours in God’s peace,