3 Sentence Stories: Who We Are & Who We Are Becoming

As Christians we are people of story.  A few weekends ago your Vestry and I met and made retreat, and a part of the work we engaged in was their role as leaders in this community as storytellers.  Storytellers re-member (as in literally put together) our stories – stringing them together like a pearl necklace to create a bigger story.  This is big work, learning and telling both the actual and aspirational stories of a community, and so we started small – telling 3 sentence stories about three different topics.  Below I give you a sampling of our work!  And I invite you to write some 3 sentence stories of your own and consider posting them to our Facebook group!

Yours in God’s peace,

Describe your breakfast

I had a cinnamon raisin bagel with a little bit of whipped cream cheese.
It was delicious and satisfying.
But I had to taste the scones that Blix brought.  

How do you proclaim the season of Lent?

During Lent, we stop and look in the mirror.
We cut our hair, shave, and try to change our appearance
On Easter, we get a new mirror.

For 40 days
I live the discipline ‘thing’
Success?  Not always!

Time in the wilderness is preparation.
A life given in service is the journey.
The story doesn’t end on the cross.

Describe your experience of belonging to St. James’.

My first visit to St. James was a reconnaissance mission.
I remember how welcoming it was and I enjoyed the sermon’s message.
It felt very familiar to me and what our family was in hopes of finding, and we made this church our own.

St. James offers a place of hope and healing.
St. James has opened up possibilities unimaginable.
St. James has become extended family.

Went to church heavy and hurting
Sat and listened
Left feeling lifted