Click here to see all the happenings at the Claggett Center for March 2015
Chapman Dialogues: Conversations on Faith
for laity and clergy of all beliefs
Future of Interfaith is Now 

A new series focusing on contemporary issues of faith, designed to inspire, enliven and educate. Each includes plenary sessions, workshops, panel discussions and out door activities.
Each event will begin on Monday afternoon and end after lunch on Thursday. A unique opportunity to attend the keynote address on Monday with a dessert reception i s available.
April 13-16 The Rt. Rev. Mary Douglas Glasspool
Bishop Suffragan of the Diocese of Los Angelos
Register for Summer Camp 2015 Now!!

Join Spencer and a staff of awesome counselors!
High School Week Grades 9-12 June 21-26
Youth I Camp Grades 2-5 June 28-July 1
Youth 2 Camp Grades 3-5 July 5-10
Middle School Week Grades 6-8 July 12-17
(grade completed)