Saint James’ Episcopal Church Sunday School

During our last 4th Sunday group activity, we welcomed Mary Anne and Rick Smith, organizers of the A is for Africa project. They showed us pictures of the Tanzania students registering for school and the newly formed school library. Lots of interesting questions were asked. Our outreach donations have helped with this endeavor and the Tanzania children say “Asante Sana”, which means thank you very much!
Every Sunday at the beginning of class time, our younger children begin with a prayer and song in front of the altar. We hope you had an opportunity to hear them make a joyful noise at the opening of our parish annual meeting. Special thanks to our middle-high school youth group, under the leadership of Meghan McKeever, for participating in the 10:30 service recently. They did an outstanding job in presenting the Gospel message of heeding God’s call.
As Epiphany winds down during February, we will begin to concentrate on Lent. At our next group activity, February 22nd, we will focus on our mite box Lenten outreach endeavor. Parents: please recycle small jars (jelly/jam type) for this Lenten project.
Teacher volunteers are always welcomed to join this meaningful ministry. The curriculum, Living the Good News, is user friendly and encourages team teaching as well as term teaching. For information you may contact Joan Fader ( or speak with one of the volunteers listed below.

With sincere thanks to our dedicated teacher volunteers:
Co-Directors: Yvette Allen, Betsy Davis, Joan Fader
Yvette Allen (Bible Stories for Preschoolers coordinator)
Betsy Davis (Kindergarten – 2nd Grades)
Robin Kaizer and Cathy Schell (3rd – 5th Grades)
Joan Fader and Peter Sabonis (Middle School-High School)
Jon Fader (Music) ~ Nancy Nanavaty (Group Activities)