St. James’ Episcopal Church Sunday School

Here it is….November! Can you believe it? Sunday School has been in full swing since September and we have been enjoying our time with your children on Sunday mornings.
Our last 4th Sunday group activity was a busy one. The children decorated fall leaves with words of thankfulness – and made bagel bird seed treats for our fine feathered friends. Speaking of
being thankful, have you had an opportunity to thank the teacher volunteers for their dedication each Sunday? Are you willing to lend a helping hand as a teacher “sub” or helper?

Coming up……

~ For our November 27th group activity, we will be making Advent wreaths – a family event. Greens, pine cones, ribbon, wire will be needed. Can you help provide?

~ Please save (with lids) empty coffee cans, oatmeal boxes, Pringle cans for a future project.

~ Watch for upcoming information for our annual Christmas pageant. Interested in helping?

Our Teacher Volunteers
Yvette Allen, Rebecca Sneden Lignelli – Bible Stories for Preschoolers
Betsy Davis, Jessica Bahorich – Kindergarten-2nd Grades
Susan Straus, Karen Phillips – 3rd – 5th Grades
Joan Fader – Middle School – High School
Jon Fader – Children’s Music
Nancy Nanavaty – Group Activities

For information please contact:
Yvette Allen
Betsy Davis
Joan Fader